You are right.I wish we could get out of this fussing match.
Yet its interesting to talk about the meaning of plots and graphs that are provided by cab modellings.
All of those plots and graphs are based on pure sine sweeps. In real world practice we do have not only one harmonic at just the same time.
In real world we do have a broad set of harmonics simultaneously that are additionally accompanied by transient noise (that is caused due to dynmaical events).
In practice this means, once an amplifier does push out full power, all of the power is distributed to a broad set of harmonics simultaneously and also to broad transient noise.
In real practice an amplifier will rarely, if ever, push all of its full power to only one harmonic, such as it may look alike for modelling plots and graphs
If I was interested to build a 212 bass guitar cab with extended low end and plenty of mechanical power handling, I might think Kappalite 3012LF was a good way to go down the road.
net volume ~4.5 cu ft
Fb ~46 Hz
F3 ~46 Hz
I'd choose two rounded 4" ports with ~2.5" of length.
1st port resonance ~1360Hz
If the woofers are running full range than the woofers might produce unwanted port resonance artefacts.
At the other hand side the good relationship of length vers diameter helps to effectively damp/supress the emerge of port resonance.
Furthermore, if the design was a two way design with woofer LPF crossover at roughly ~800Hz the port resonance consideration was anyway out of concerne.
Just to optimize things a little bit I'd try to align the ports narrow to a bootom corner of the baffle, or one at bottom and the other one narrow to a top corner.
Air vent velocity consideration
I hope you agree that an 900 Watts rms amplifier will rarely distribute 900 watts below ~55Hz and beyond ~55Hz simultaneously. In total this "fictitious" power was equal to 1.800 Watts
It can be suggested that the distributed power below ~55Hz does not exceed 1/2 of full amplifier power.
1/2 of amplifier power distributed to the bandwidth below ~55Hz, simultaneously the second half distributed to the bandwidth above ~55Hz.
The issue of too highish air vent velocity is gone!
Another but different consideration:
If I was trying to use the same cab size and same driver as a design for application as sub.
Bandwidth of use ~40..100Hz
I'd try to enlarge the port area dimension a little bit cause all of amplifier power was distributed to a quite narrow bandwidth that equals roughly one octave.
Larger port length doesn't matter anymore cause port resonance was aligned way beyond the design/target of cab bandwidth response.
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