Does your musical taste indicate your personality type?

Was just reading this interesting pop psychology article and thought TB members might find it interesting Music Preferences and Your Personality

Based on a claimed sample of 36,000 people the researchers found a correlation between music taste and personality or character type.

It's a broad brush and I'm a bit skeptical, but see if it fits you

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I don't fit in with the findings very well (I'm much more introverted than extroverted). As far as the musical definitions go, do they actually define what constitutes "pop"? And lumping jazz, blues and soul together? Most of the "jazz" guys I know hardly listen to blues or soul. And what's "dance"? Disco? Funk? House? Drum & Bass? By "country" do they mean old country or modern pop with a mild twang? It all seems a bit nebulous to me. Interestingly, they mention which styles are associated with intelligence but not which ones are associated with stupidity. :D
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Where I live it's just that, demographics.
The majority of people here like Country.

The trouble is Country almost doesn't exist in modern music, so they listen to old school Country or Bluegrass.
Then there are the inbetweeners, they drive jacked up trucks with big tires, wear trucker caps & mullets, & listen to Insane Clown Posse.
I guess if youre a one dimensional music fan you could have a one dimensional personality. where does rock/metal/jazz/blues/classical/funk/classic country/zappa/rat pack put me?
Way beyond the straight jacket of your personality type. The survey is based on peoples “favorite” type of music and acknowledges that other factors beyond personality play a roll. I think for a person to enjoy all the genres you listed you must be pretty curious, open-minded, have a talent for listening/music, and a lot of free time on your hands. :bassist:
I don't see much correlation between introvert/extravert in any kind of musical taste, not enough to eliminate the opposites. These articles are because there isn't enough idle speculation out there, not enough writers, and the public is hungry for opinions to believe. The flaw starts with the distinct categories which are just stereotypes. Hands up high esteem rocker? Hands up introverted jazzer? (who has high esteem too)
There are both types and their variants in every idiom. Environment has much more to do with musical taste. I grew up in a classical music home, only heard "hillbilly" once or twice... but I do agree the country music lover is resistant to new experiences.
Was just reading this interesting pop psychology article and thought TB members might find it interesting Music Preferences and Your Personality

Based on a claimed sample of 36,000 people the researchers found a correlation between music taste and personality or character type.

It's a broad brush and I'm a bit skeptical, but see if it fits you

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Little side note found in the same study:
Not all research supports the idea that personality traits play a role in determining musical preferences, however. One 2017 meta-analysis found that personality traits played very little of a role in accounting for these individual differences. ref. Can personality traits predict musical style preferences? A meta-analysis - ScienceDirect

In a hundred years they will laugh at this, because they will have gotten smarter again. And in two hundred years they will laugh again at the findings of a hundred years ago.... Science does not stand still and maintains itself.
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