Does your musical taste indicate your personality type?

Not really a perfect match, too many genres for me. But I do really like rap and I’m interested in psych trends. The rap profile is the same as the punk profile was long ago. I find that interesting because everything I actually use in my job as a (very) white collar sales manager I learned from diy punk bands in my teens.

FWIW this article is “Medically reviewed by an LCSW”. Medically reviewed is not a real thing. And the author is a MS rehabilitation specialist, not a scientist. The link paper posted by @swink is a peer reviewed journal publication, there is merit.
I like and play multiple genres.

I guess I have mutiple personalities. :roflmao:

Right there with you. And I actually kind of do have multiple personalities.... or at least multiple levels of various personality traits. If I'm in my comfort zone, I'm an extrovert/life of the party kind of guy. Out of my comfort zone, I'm not miserable. I like experiencing new things. But I'll often find a corner and observe for a while before venturing in. Gotta get my bearings.

I'm the same with music. I don't hate styles/genres that aren't my favorite. But I'll often listen to them more intently until I "figure them out".
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I'm the type of personality who thinks Myers–Briggs Type Indicator questionnaires are bollocks, AKA bull$h!t, and has a range of music preferences that is very broad.

You aren't the only one. After many years of Myers-Briggs being used in assessments of employees, students and anyone else they could force to take the test, it's been pretty much relegated to pseudoscience at best by academics.
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Was just reading this interesting pop psychology article and thought TB members might find it interesting Music Preferences and Your Personality

Based on a claimed sample of 36,000 people the researchers found a correlation between music taste and personality or character type.

It's a broad brush and I'm a bit skeptical, but see if it fits you

View attachment 4874090

What type music tends to have egotistical, self indulgent, negative, argumentative, a lousy attitude, with delusions of grandeur?
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Nah, I don't fit that narrative.

To me, the definitions and results are indicative of presumptions and assumptions (read: bias) on part of the so-called "researchers" who designed the study. Some of the categories also show a lack of understanding of the various genres.
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These studies are the direct result of what happens when you you give taxpayer funded grants to some universities egghead Psych department.
2 million dollars later " scientists " determine sky is blue!!!
What if you listen to 3 or 4 of these genres?...How do we pigeon hole these folks?
Is this meant to help advertisers profile us further for targeting ads based on the music we listen too? Probably.......