Not quite a zombie thread yet I think, but revisiting as I finally got some audio recorded of these Dunlop flats after being (well) broken in... only to find Talkbass had gone on hiatus! lol Good to see Talkbass is functional again.
After having Dunlop flats on my P bass for about 7 months now, I'm still really enjoying these flats on my Pbass. They still feel quite good, but as you'll hear in the audio samples, they're pretty broken in. Aside from a couple diversions here or there, my Precision has been my go-to bass for since I put these on. I've had a lot of personal practice time on them and a couple rehearsals as things slowly get started again.
Something about these flats on this bass is vibing with me quite a bit.
I like
@Brad Easley's description of the Goldilocks Zone above... I haven't had the pleasure of trying Thomastiks (yet?), but these are definitely the nicest feeling flats I've played so far. They've mellowed quite nicely from new ("just right"), but still sound great and are pretty versatile. They don't have the zing of rounds of course, but I don't really feel like these have the "wet blanket over your sound" that I've gotten with other flats. I don't really feel like I couldn't use them in a variety of situations, and the rehearsals I've had this P bass to have been for a cover band that covers 80's to modern pop.
Dial the tone down at about half with some light drive for some really nice warmth, or add a little bit more drive with tone on full for a great pick sound. As Brad mentioned, they don't really seem to have lost the mids that help you get heard in a band situation.
Here are some samples of the broken in flats... original new string audio samples
Gauge: 45/125
2009 Fender MIA Precision Bass V
Recording path: Bass > Stomp (with some minor compression) > Cubase LE
Fingerstyle and palm mute samples have audio with the tone knob at 100% > 50% > 0%.
Pick sample has tone knob at 100%
(no drive in any samples, just the clean sound)