E string tuner is acting a little strange...

Ok, I got it done today. Didn't even really need the file, just rubbing the string on the nut worked out fine. No problems with the tuner (though it still looks like I banged it up sometime) but I'm still hellbent on getting a Hipshot downtuner.
Yes, you can use the string for that. But IMO you got lucky; as often as not when filing the E or G slots with a string you wind up breaking the nut from excessive pressure. Be aware using a detuner won't stop wear on the nut, it may decrease it significantly because you won't be overshooting your marks, but the nut will still wear.
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Glad to hear it wasn't your tuner and that you fixed it!
With my instruments I have only had to adjust the nut on the one that didn't have TUSQ or bone for material. If you are detuning frequently you might profit from a high performance or durable material nut.
Good luck with the recording!