Oh god... there goes another five seventy-five.
They really need to stop with these colors. I'm a sucker for these various colors on Mustangs. I could have one in each color of each variety of Mustang they are now making. As Mustang-rich as Fender's offerings have been lately, that would be a hell of a lot of Mustangs in the stable.
As for the Mustangs being muddy... maybe I've just been lucky, but I've had a bunch of Mustangs over the past few years and I really haven't had any that are boomy or muddy. I do run roundwounds on them most of the time, but even with flats, I didn't find any of them particularly boomy or muddy. If anything, some have actually been on the other end of the spectrum (those are the ones I've used flats on). I've had/have Japanese reissue Mustangs, a Squier Mustang, several PJ Mustangs, a JMJ Mustang, a Pawn Shop Mustang (okay, THAT one was muddy, but it was a different beast altogether), and most recently, the American Performer (which hands-down has been my favorite). I'm sure I'll be getting a Vintera Mustang soon... and some of these exclusive color PJs... and now there is this new "hybrid" Japanese Mustang... more money spent...
Hopefully none of them will be muddy.
As someone else said, it's completely subjective. But honestly, I really don't expect any of my Mustangs to be as "hi-fi" as my Elite Jazz in active mode. That expectation would just be unrealistic--the physics on the two basses are totally different in design, scale length, and electronics. No doubt the Jazz is going to be totally different "sonically."