Great, also the Fender is now at your ear level and that helps allot too. Noon and 2 is a good reliable place to be for a med loud band. If you need louder, go to 800w. Since the links are working, I would eventually replace with this, it is full range and rated loud, over 100db, 450-900w -
Speaker Detail | Eminence Speaker The Lappa LF I have needs a tweeter and mid range speaker cab added to it, it doesn't do much above 2000hz. I used it with a Peavey Tour 2/10 with 2 Deltas at 350w each. At the time I didn't trust neo speakers but the thing is probably over 60 lbs and not fun carrying up or down stairs. With an 800w amp I never worried about stressing speakers adding up to over 1200w handling and I could overcome the guitarist and his 40w 2/12Marshal.