Flats on a fretless?

Flats on my fretless Precisions!
My fretless experiences have been really hit or miss. I loved a set of Labella classic black tapewounds on a Carvin AC40 bass i had. I used the same set on a Yamaha cheapy fretless and they sounded great.
For a while i had a Mexican J bass with half rounds,and just thought the metallic sound and the fretless sound didn’t mesh. (I don’t know how Jaco did it!)
I currently have a defretted Rickenbacker Cheyenne ii that has a set of Chromes on it. I like the sound very much, but not the feel. (It might be the setup,too,there’s not much sustain on the upper strings). I had previously tried a set of the black labella tapes on it,and the E string sounded pretty clacky and unmusical to me. Overall,i prefer flats and tapes to rw strings on most of my basses,and especially on fretless ones.
My next string change for that bass is likely going to be a set of Labella low tension flexible flats.
I don’t like flats, especially on fretless since I’d be doing a lot more sliding than on fretted. I feel that all the extra friction between my fingers and much more surface area of a flat-wound string holds me back....not that I’m a virtuoso or anything, I just would like less holding me back than my own talent (or lack thereof).
What flatwounds are you using?
Most of the flatwound sets i’ve used are super slick feeling, certainly less friction than rw’s.
Flats on fretless?
Freebo on the early Bonnie Raitt records (pre '77 or so) is my halllmark for flats/fretless. There's an astoundingly beautiful performance of "Love Has No Pride" by the two of them on YouTube.

Rick Danko used flats on his freless basses (the Ampeg, a Precision, and a Gibson Ripper).

I believe Bill Wyman's fretless wore flats.
me: only fretless, only rounds, only happy.

OP, you have to do what you think best, but: fretless + rounds = fingerboard tragedy is overplayed here. it takes a long time to wear out a fingerboard...some TB folks are wearing out metal frets way sooner!

True, and this goes triple if your fingerboard is ebony.