Forum Info and Introduction from Steve Bailey

Wlecome guys! Steve, the first time I met you and the last time I played ping pong was the same day. It was the first morning of Vic's camp Fall of 2001. I forgot about the time zone thing and got there way early. You, me, Felix, Julius, and Vic played ping pong outside the main building there at the park (until you went running pushing Vic's kid in a stroller). So, what's with you guys and ping pong?

Anyway, thank you so much for offering up your knowledge and collective experience(s) guys!
Forgive me for not personally replying with "Hi" to all the instructors who just posted in the last day or two, but know that we're quite glad to have you here!
Ok, I have questions -

Do any of you Berklee Profs' or Students play short or medium scale bass?

And - are any women enrolled in the Berklee Bass program this year?

(Curious about the ladies because they are coming on strong! Julie Slick simply blows my mind.)

I am excited about the "open to the public" seminars. So - I can just show up and you will let me in?
Do any of you Berklee Profs' or Students play short or medium scale bass?
Not sure. I have not seen any around.

And - are any women enrolled in the Berklee Bass program this year?
The department is diverse in every way.

I am excited about the "open to the public" seminars. So - I can just show up and you will let me in?

Send me an email, and I will make sure you are not arrested.. ;-)
What's the best bass for metal? :bag:

I am SO kidding. (Sorry, it's kind of an inside joke around TB.) But seriously....

Count me among those who are thrilled and grateful for this. I think we all want to treat this opportunity appropriately, but I suspect I'm not the only one who is unsure what exactly is "appropriate." The original post invites questions "about the Berklee College of Music Bass Department," but then later "about technique, curriculum, or any other Berklee related subject." I would certainly understand if you wanted to limit questions to the former, but the latter seems to open a Pandora's Box that might include most of the kinds of questions we all ask each other around here -- e.g., in forums labelled "technique," "theory," and so forth.

So, I think it would be useful for everyone if you could be a bit more specific about what kinds of questions you would and would not prefer to entertain here. I for one have lots of questions that I'm tempted to ask, but I just don't know if they're what you would consider appropriate or not.

So, I think it would be useful for everyone if you could be a bit more specific about what kinds of questions you would and would not prefer to entertain here. I for one have lots of questions that I'm tempted to ask, but I just don't know if they're what you would consider appropriate or not.


I will only speak for myself here as everyones time constraints and obligations at Berklee and beyond (outside of school) are different.

If the question is in my "wheelhouse" and I have time, I will answer it. May not be in the detail that one might want, but I will be glad to help. I think you can see that we are tackling a variety of subjects.
Just know that it may take a minute. If the question is sort of "off the track", we may refer it to another forum.
One thing about which I can speak for us all, is that we are all conscientious educators! That i know for sure. We will not criticize, inflame, or belittle a person because of an "honest" question. We will not say that "ours" is the only Right Way. There are many paths to similar destinations and we recognize that.
We are openminded, even if we are opinionated.
There are former Berklee students speaking for the school, and some (one) even claiming omniscience about music education. From what I understand, he is perma-banned, so no worries there. :-0
So ask on.. and please don't be offended if because of time or content, that we refer your questions elsewhere.

BTW... thanks for showing that amount of consideration. I know that your bandmates appreciate you!! SB
I need help buying a new bass. I have played for almost two years and I have been using a fender squire bronco bass. I am very limited on this bass and find it hard to learn new things on this short scale bass that does not have a very reactive pickup. I'm don't have much money so I was wondering what is the best bass I can get for 400$