No because I came to bass after playing piano, then drums, then guitar. Bass was a subset of guitar in a way for me for a while. Across the board is what I learned first...
Piano: each note in an octave only lives in one place.
Guitar: could be in 2 or 3 places at least, because of multiple strings.
I wish I'd had Mick Goodrick's advice when I started on bass or guitar:
"The simplest way to see notes is in a straight line.
A single string is a straight line.
On a single string there is a direct relationship between interval distance and space."
and then basically learn to play on a single string. Treat that thing like a unitar. One string at a time until you have some mastery. Move on to the next string.
Mick goes on to say:
"If all you know is position playing, you can't even begin to see the whole fingerboard"
And this is true for me. I learned positional playing first and am basically relearning the individual strings on guitar/bass. Bass even more so- because it is often single notes.