G&L just announced their 2024 prices, and I've updated post#1 in this thread to reflect the latest pricing.
At first glance, it looks like most models got a $300-$400 price DROP. However, it also appears that the hardshell case is now a $180 upcharge, so take that with a grain of salt. It's still an overall price drop, but really more like $120-$220 in an apples-to-apples sense.
Other than that, here are some outstanding highlights:
1) The M-2000 & M-2500 models are back!
2) Empress is back, AND it's an official option for the first time ever. It's always been an off-the-menu sort of thing in the past, but now it's actually on the price list.
3) Block Inlays on the fretboard and body binding are back! Neck binding is not, that's still a Custom Shop thing.
4) Some nut width and radius options are back. 7.5" radius and 1 3/4" nut width for 4-strings do NOT seem to be back for whatever reason.
5) Fret options and Graph-Tech nut & string retainer are back.
6) The CLF L1K/L2K and Series 750 basses are now BTO models. In the past, you had to go Custom Shop to modify those models.
And here are some questions I've posed to G&L:
1) The L-2000 and L-2500 seem to have gone away from the BTO price list. I'm not sure if that is an oversight or if those models are now obsolete? Or maybe they're Custom Shop only? I don't want to freak anyone out about this, so please sit tight and remain calm while I await further information on this.
2) With the hardshell case being a $180 option now, can a bass be ordered without a case? Or can a bass be ordered with the $80 gig bag instead? That's not clear from the price list.