I know that I have said something like this maybe a dozen times before, but it really just hit me that recognizing I am not capable of getting over my GAS probably makes it easier to say no and be more selective about what I buy because the most common justification for GAS was "this is the one, this bass or amp will end my GAS!" Frankly, that is a load of bovine natural fertilizer! Sooner or later, and with the internet, it's usually sooner, something else pops up that is also a must have. It is also important to note that are certain basses that I have really wanted but never got, and in never getting them, the desire never left, but it became very manageable, kind of like with girls that were crushes with which I never had a shot. Those women never stopped being attractive to me, but I kept living, and one day, they just did not matter the way they used to.
The only cure for GAS is to realize that it is not just some silly term that we joke about on TB but it is more fundamental and deadly than that. GAS, at its core, is the quest to find one's identity and fullment in a created object. It is basically idol worship with a nice layer of American consumerism layered on top. You will never find "the one" because the human feeling of incompleteness cannot be competed by a bass. The good news here is that once you realize that and recognize that the next bass purchase will not heal you, then you're free to buy/trade/enjoy basses for what they actually are.