The only benefit to a guitar center or any brick and mortar music store now that sweetwater, musician's friend, etc. are available is to actually get your hands on an instrument or piece of equipment and play it before you buy it or for emergency issues like strings the day before a show. And for the bedroom warriors to go and shred the same 5 rock songs on the most expensive guitar then leave without buying anything. Don't get me wrong, I have definitely played on basses I have no intention of buying, but I usually try and pick up some strings or something and not just sit there for 2 hours on that 1967 P bass only to noodle.
Sometimes things you order online are hard to get replaced. A friend of mine bought a Marshall amp online. 3 times they sent a bad amp! One had scratches on it and made a popping noise. Brick and mortar this won't happen, as you can look it over and play it first before you leave the store.
And mom n' pop stores are no better. I had a local luthier set up a bass for me. It's been 4 weeks he's had it!! Their selection is poor and prices are high. I have no sympathy for them.