I hope it is hereRain worm is one of Genssler’s string sets. There is a Sonores pdf or word doc that explains all of the string sets. Email them for it.
Information BASS strings etc - Google Drive
I hope it is hereRain worm is one of Genssler’s string sets. There is a Sonores pdf or word doc that explains all of the string sets. Email them for it.
In case anyone is interested, Damian Dlugolecki is still making strings but in reduced quantities. I just put on a new D and G paired with Evah Gold/Slap E and A.
I spent the better part of summer gigging with high tension Spiro Med S42s and then Perpetuals with Stark D and G and I'm looking forward to the lower tension and deeper palette of these gut strings.
Overwound gut have held up pretty well here in the middle of Kansas, too, with all the weather variation we get. I haven't had issues with tuning stability except for when we get a crazy enough humidity swing that any strings would be having trouble because of the way the bass itself is reacting to everything.
Anybody tried the plain Gamut Pistoy A? Thoughts? And what gauge should I go with, I have a medium G with a light+ D. Also has anybody used the wrapped Gamut E, and could compare to the Chorda CH E? I’d love to try what the plain A would be like, and now Gamut has a -20% offer..
Jeff, I’m curious how the Dlugolecki D compares to the Gamut Pistoy Med+ strang you sold me last week.
I put it on my five string (5ths) under Spirocore RM weich C G with high tension Dlugolecki A and E on top. It’s a great string, but I need to wait until it settles to know how much I like it in this context. Initial impression is that it’s just a little bit too low tension to match the rest of the set. Hard to beat that Spirocore RM weich D, but I, too, like the deeper palette, for sure
Eli, my wound Gamuts are very touchy here in St. Louis. I think it must be more a matter of temperature than humidity, because I've had them go way out of tune in 30 minutes after I arrive and start playing. When I play an orchestral concert, I've taken to leaving the bass in the concert venue after dress rehearsal overnight to let the strings settle.
They are silver wound, what he was asking for…What about them?
My experience is that plain gut is much easier to keep in tune than metal wound gut…I used a medium tension varnished plain A from autumn of 2022 to spring of 2023, great string! Holds pitch well, bow and plucking, and very loud. I haven't played chordas. I would go with unvarnished if I wanted to get another cause my G and D are, although with unvarnished they eat up the fingerboard so I took them all off.
What's your E string?I use Gotz GDA and they are very good gut strings, and are generally under-appreciated here (and reasonably priced).