I play in a Bluegrass band where my primary instrument is mandolin. I also play bass in other groups. Our Bluegrass bass player is out of town on an extended (several month) vacation so I have switched to mostly bass till he returns. I still play mando on some songs and play guitar on others. Mando is my best instrument and I notice my skill slipping a little since I am mainly on bass for now.
Of the five band members, three are multi-instrumentalists but I am the strongest bass player when our regular guy is not there. I really enjoy the bass, but miss playing the mando a bit. Having multi-instrumentalists 7n the band is a real luxury.
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Of the five band members, three are multi-instrumentalists but I am the strongest bass player when our regular guy is not there. I really enjoy the bass, but miss playing the mando a bit. Having multi-instrumentalists 7n the band is a real luxury.
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