Have a Piezo Bridge‽ Help Me on this Super Important Experiment!

Once you a) source the strings, b) get them to fit the nut, c) figure out how to attach them to the tuning pegs.....how are you planning on getting them affixed to the bridge?

These are basic questions that need to be answered. Especially by someone not currently employed and working on a prototype. It's not simply having a dream and expecting magic to happen, you know.
Stop asking questions about why he wants to do this: His avatar clearly states he is a mad scientist, so no reason need be given!

I don't have any interest in going below a low A and in fact the low C just above the traditional fiver's B is low enough for me almost all the time. I do find the tone of a Ubass interesting however and if their strings could be had in gauges and lengths suitable for a short or long scale traditionally tuned bass guitar I might be tempted to get one I could convert to piezo so I could use those strings. I mean, GAS is always with us but if you actually have a legitimate reason to acquire one more bass that is just gold, isn't it?? ;)