Have you ever been banned from a band for stupid reasons?

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I've been banned from my band for a having a different political opinion.
Right now I still have a hard time dealing with those news, because... Well, that has nothing to do with my playing or anything related to music and it pisses me off to just ban me like that.
I guess the problem was that they consider themselves more as friends playing music than musicians being friends for the sake of music. Or is it a generational problem ? (I'm gen z)

They now have no bassist in the band (and seem chill about it), I don't even know how to feel about that whole situation anymore. And it's so hard to find musicians to play with... I'm starting at 0 all over again.

I really needed to vent this, I hope it's not too out of place.

Do any of you have common stories to share? (Or if you need to vent, or want to share advices, you can do it here)
Close. I do subbing with a particular band. The BL posts all sorts of angry political commentary on FB. I don’t follow it, and I don’t engage in those discussions when I’m playing (working). I’m not interested in what he thinks on those topics, and it doesn’t bother me that he has those opinions.

I know that if we ever did have that type of conversation, I’d be kicked out immediately for not being in total agreement. Sad.
Nope. I would leave a band (and have) if someone insulted me or my political stances during rehearsals, etc. I would expect the same treatment if I were mouthing off in an insulting or disrespectful manner in rehearsals.

I think it's overall a little easier on everyone if people who come together for music find they are like-minded, but unless it gets personal in an ugly way, I don't really care that much about your political leanings.
Sorry. For me it's always been the age-old egotistical guitar player thing ("This band isn't big enough for two guitars plus my ego").

That said, I don't make music with people with whom I can't get along. That doesn't mean like-mindedness; just not always shoving a subject upon which we don't agree into my face.
This is why I do my best to avoid mixing politics with music. Music brings people together. These days, politics drives people apart. Two recent anecdotes:

I was asked to join a gigging band but declined because someone who had played in that band told me that the BL vented inflammatory politics at every rehearsal, and other members would join him. The person who told me only took the job because he's a pro who needed the money. He kept his mouth shut during rehearsals, but it was unpleasant enough that he bailed as soon as he found another opportunity.

I'd been playing for years with a band whose guitarist was easily the best musician of the group. Quiet guy, and I thought still waters ran deep, but we eventually had a rehearsal (my first one with this band) and during the break he ranted on at length about batpoop crazy conspiracy theories. He'd fallen into a YouTube rabbit hole that was highly Questionable, to be overly polite. I was going to resign from that band, but fortunately they replaced him... for reasons other than his politics, but whatever, good riddance. I brought in a guitarist friend who wasn't as talented, but more responsible and not the least bit crazy.

P.S. Yes, I've been fired, but I can't think of any weird/stupid reasons

P.P.S. I played in an all-original band that was political... but I knew that going in, and it's the point of the band. I never want to mix politics with the usual cover band thing, whether I agree with the politics or not
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You get problems like these when you play with immature people, or idiots.

Go and find some grown ups and let them dwell in their basement.

I think it's mostly because they're immature.
I still forgive them because we are still young and figuring things out in life. But you're right, and now all I can do is moving on, anyway we didn't get along really well musically either.
Sorry. For me it's always been the age-old egotistical guitar player thing ("This band isn't big enough for two guitars plus my ego").

That said, I don't make music with people with whom I can't get along. That doesn't mean like-mindedness; just not always shoving a subject upon which we don't agree into my face.

Why are guitar players like that it's so accurate ahah
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Politics has no place in a working band unless political activism is the purpose of the band.

Your problem was not having a different opinion. Your problem was expressing it in an inappropriate setting.

Professional adults understand where to have, and where to avoid, such issues.

There are some people in my local scene whose inability to keep their positions private (as with GoatRoap's BL) and I won't work with them. Not because of their opinions, but because they make it clear those opinions color and affect every aspect of their lives and the people around them.
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Politics has no place in a working band unless political activism is the purpose of the band.

Your problem was not having a different opinion. Your problem was expressing it in an inappropriate setting.

Professional adults understand where to have, and where to avoid, such issues.

There are some people in my local scene whose inability to keep there positions private (as with GoatRoap's BL) and I won't work with them. Not because of their opinions, but because they make it clear those opinions color and affect every aspect of their lives and the people around them.

Well I didn't brought politics during rehearsal. But I did the mistake to post it on my personal social media.
It was not professional band either. But I've learnt my lesson for sure ahah!
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Look upon it as doing you a back handed favour.
Go and find people who treat people sensibly.
Go and find people who work.
If you are lucky, someone will take you under their wing but be prepared for them being a little bossy..cos you are young.. but use them as stepping stone to learn.

5 years time, you will not recognise yourself and they'll still be in the basement.

This is what I did ..by accident..at 17, and i still remember those lessons now.

Other, much more advanced players never got out the bedroom, as far as I know.
Look upon it as doing you a back handed favour.
Go and find people who treat people sensibly.
Go and find people who work.
If you are lucky, someone will take you under their wing but be prepared for them being a little bossy..cos you are young.. but use them as stepping stone to learn.

5 years time, you will not recognise yourself and they'll still be in the basement.

This is what I did ..by accident..at 17, and i still remember those lessons now.

Other, much more advanced players never got out the bedroom, as far as I know.

Thank you for this message, it's really encouraging!
Do you have advices to find professionals?
I'm self taught and don't have that much confidence to be honest...
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Well I didn't brought politics during rehearsal. But I did the mistake to post it on my personal social media.
It was not professional band either. But I've learnt my lesson for sure ahah!
I hope that lesson was not that it isn't okay to have an opinion or be open about who you are.

The lesson I learned when I found out that band mates were intolerant and angry ranters was to watch for the red flags and be cautious not to associate with people who behave that way in a professional setting. IMO it's perfectly OK to make passing comments that give others an idea about where you stand, but it's quite another thing to come in with angry or hateful words about "the other side," and it's especially uncool when you have no idea who might be on that side in that room.

Firing you for having an opinion? Very uncool.
Well I didn't brought politics during rehearsal. But I did the mistake to post it on my personal social media.
Well - that's a fine line...
You will encounter people who believe that because you play in their project, that entitles them to control your social media presence. IMO that's over the line, but it happens. You're better off without them...

I'm on FB 99% to support the local scene and my place and opportunities in it, including the bands I play in.
As a result, I rarely post social/political positions -- and NEVER on a band's page.

Here's the line for me: It's OK to advocate a position, or make your position known. It is NOT OK to be demeaning, derogatory, or insulting to people with differing opinions.
I hope that lesson was not that it isn't okay to have an opinion or be open about who you are.

The lesson I learned when I found out that band mates were intolerant and angry ranters was to watch for the red flags and be cautious not to associate with people who behave that way in a professional setting. IMO it's perfectly OK to make passing comments that give others an idea about where you stand, but it's quite another thing to come in with angry or hateful words about "the other side," and it's especially uncool when you have no idea who might be on that side in that room.

Firing you for having an opinion? Very uncool.

Well for more context I tend to be more on the right wing side. They don't even try to understand why I hold my opinions and they prefer saying that I am hateful without explaining why, or what were the "wrong" things I would have said (every time I ask I get no answers, or only insults). I'm not homophobic, racist or anything like that, and absolutely not aspire to be. But when they learnt I was right wing, they've directly put me in a box saying that I'm hateful, because I lean where they don't. ( I'm getting a little personal here ahah)
Well - that's a fine line...
You will encounter people who believe that because you play in their project, that entitles them to control your social media presence. IMO that's over the line, but it happens. You're better off without them...

I'm on FB 99% to support the local scene and my place and opportunities in it, including the bands I play in.
As a result, I rarely post social/political positions -- and NEVER on a band's page.

Here's the line for me: It's OK to advocate a position, or make your position known. It is NOT OK to be demeaning, derogatory, or insulting to people with differing opinions.

There are bands who will search your personal page and use that to exclude. I have a strict rule in any band I'm in: The Michael Jordan Rule.

Essentially, it translates to: "Why anger one half of your audience? Keep the politics where they belong."

It's why I have a personal page and a professional page (on all platforms. Except Youtube. I never was able to figure that out, but they're two separate playlists)
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