I dont know and dont want to know my bandmates political leanings, its irrelevant to what we are doing.
Careful, you can get banned from Talkbass for politics too. I responded as a member, not a Moderator, but gentle Mod advice to the new guy inserted here.
If you cannot get along politically, then it’s hard to get along. I’ve seen families fall apart and friendships disintegrate over the past few years over politics. Bands are not immune to the current zeitgeist.I've been banned from my band for a having a different political opinion.
Right now I still have a hard time dealing with those news, because... Well, that has nothing to do with my playing or anything related to music and it pisses me off to just ban me like that.
I guess the problem was that they consider themselves more as friends playing music than musicians being friends for the sake of music. Or is it a generational problem ? (I'm gen z)
They now have no bassist in the band (and seem chill about it), I don't even know how to feel about that whole situation anymore. And it's so hard to find musicians to play with... I'm starting at 0 all over again.
I really needed to vent this, I hope it's not too out of place.
Do any of you have common stories to share? (Or if you need to vent, or want to share advices, you can do it here)
Don't worry, I don't plan to engage into that path on TalkBass. Not because it's forbidden, but because I don't see the point to do that here.