Help dress me up, please.

Uptown look with a difference...

That suit here 75% off...
Calvin Klein White Slim Fit Vested Suit - Men's Slim Fit | Men's Wearhouse

Being a mechanic I could have that suit hermetically sealed and I guarantee I'd get a grease stain on it just by looking at it.
New band plays weddings and corporate events. They don't wear tuxedos, and said they want to up their fashion game and start moving away from the traditional black suits.

I have to go buy clothes this week.

When I asked for help they advised me to look at what the Jimmy Fallon band is wearing, or Justin Timberlake. Every picture I see of those guys - they're wearing black suits.

I know nothing about style. I wear black jeans, black T-shirts, and black boots when I play. I wear jeans and Ts for everything else in my life outside of weddings and funerals.

I know I can ask the band to be more specific, but I'd rather ask the fine folks at Talkbass first.

Can you help dress me as stylishly as possible? I know absolutely nothing style in 2017. The last time I bought stylish dress clothes they looked like this....


I need help.

I can't dress myself either but I think you've basically got the right idea: simple, comfortable, not fancy. I think the guy on the right embodies that best in those picture. I think you just need a modern version of that. Fashionistas are real picky about everything. They pickup on details that people like us would totally ... throw in the dumpster and set on fire.

You're lucky in that you're in shape so practically everything will look good on you so that should save you some money. If you look good to the ladies you can't lose because every guy that wants to get laid will play along. So I would suggest going to a men's store with a good looking sales lady. If she enjoys dressing you (without raping your wallet) then I think you're on the right track.

Another way to look at this is that corporatists are vain as shag. So if you look like their bass playing (getting laid) alter ego they will vicariously enjoy the experience.

Hey, wait a second, what about what you're wearing in your avatar?
Have you seen the website - a good way to get pretty unique and cost effective stage clothes - if you want multiple identical stuff - one of my friends is a four piece vocal group - and they all have identical suits apart from different coloured contrast fabric on pockets and turnovers and collars. Looks kind of cool.

They even do crazy shoes in bizarre colours! Web site can build you the most ridiculous stuff!
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Hmm…I wonder. Try telling that to the jazz and blues world. ;)

@Joe Nerve - of course you'll also want to take into account regional differences in fashion and taste. What'll fly in LA or Seattle could get you laughed off the stage in NYC. And vice-versa.
I don't care whose World it is. That's an old man's suit in any region of the World or genre of music. But fine, you wanna look like a pallbearer at your gig? Have at it.