My buy system is a little different...hit up Reverb and look up Bass 5-string options then do the same with Guitar Center and Craigslist. Most allow price choice and brand. Find a deal and go get it!
Also check the pawn stores anywhere you go...
I just found a Peavey Milestone 5-string last week in Pensacola, FL for $100!!
Bonus, someone swapped out the bargain OEM pups with Quarter Pounder pups!!
It's the perfect platform to test a few mods before moving them to more expensive 5'string basses!!
Most pawn shops will allow good haggling on Peavey, many folks overlook them since they usually only know Fender/Gibson...but the quality is usually awesome and the sound POWERFUL out of them! So they'll sit a bit, and that makes them easier to acquire at lower prices!!