Hot hot hot!

We have a gig tomorrow night. It's outdoors and the temp is forecast as 111f (43c for you guys outside the US). We're dreading it but a contract was signed. Our drummer is 71 years old. I'm a mere 69 and the rest of the band is late fifties/sixties. Quite honestly I think this is dangerous for us. We're bringing popups but they just keep the heat in. We're thinking in future with the way that weather is going that we need to add a clause to our contracts to allow us to cancel if the heat gets above 100f.

Have any of you guys dealt with this and, if so, how did you go about it? We're gonna hydrate like crazy and cut our sets short but we still worry about somebody passing out etc.
Yes, I could see dealing with those temps to be potentially dangerous for someone in their 70s.

Ideas that may help: Dress right, hydrate with water, use a carpet blower.

I have compression fit Heat Gear under garments. I won't say they keep me cool, but they do seem to help when it's really hot, especially if I circulate air over them. That's what the carpet blower is for.

Not sure if they still sell this's what I have.


Air circulation and light colors should also be a consideration when choosing outer garments and a hat as well.
Unfortunately there's no magic cooling tricks. Just common sense stuff. Bring a cooler with iced water and Gatorade. Wear shorts, light colors, lightweight clothing. Sandals are cooler than shoes. Stay out of direct sunlight. Take frequent brakes. Hopefully you or the venue can set up some fans. Avoid alcohol.
Having lived in the south most of my life, and experienced a couple minor heat strokes, I would not hesitate to cancel or quit early if you start feeling bad. If you get hot and sweaty, but then you stop sweating, you're in trouble and you need to chug water and get into AC immediately. Heat stroke will give you the worst pounding headache ever, it really sucks.
It's commendable that you're trying to be professional, but keep in mind that your health is more important than one gig. You're only human. I doubt anyone's going to get too bent out of shape if you have to throw in the towel.
We were hoping for cancellation but not to be. We'll be playing poolside (not close enough to get splashed) and our audience will probably consist of kids in the pool and a few other brave souls. Honestly we could have brought in some PA speakers and pushed a phone playlist thought them and nobody would have minded but it is what it is. We have fans, neck towels etc. and will probably survive. I'm thinking with the current climate crisis we will have to deal with this more in the future which is why we're thinking of amending our contracts.
I'm normally in the "no shorts on stage" crowd but then I don't think I've ever had to play in temps above 85 or 90. 111? Crikey. Isn't there some sort of heat advisory for your area or something where authorities are officially telling people not to be out in the heat?
You must be near me. 111 here today also. We have an indoor gig tonite but load-in starts at 4. Our next outdoor gig isn't until Aug. but that's typically the HOTTEST time of the summer here. We're getting a serious dose of heat here early this year. Good luck!

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We're playing Saturday afternoon, forecast is 90's and humid with a 50% chance of T-Storms... I feel your pain, and concerns as we are are all in our mid 60's and early 70's. Luckily there is a tent at this venue... 111 is going to be a challenge, fans, and keep hydrated... light clothing

Sacrifices for your art... ;)
We were hoping for cancellation but not to be. We'll be playing poolside (not close enough to get splashed) and our audience will probably consist of kids in the pool and a few other brave souls. Honestly we could have brought in some PA speakers and pushed a phone playlist thought them and nobody would have minded but it is what it is. We have fans, neck towels etc. and will probably survive. I'm thinking with the current climate crisis we will have to deal with this more in the future which is why we're thinking of amending our contracts.
Absolutely add that clause in your contract. I sure would. My trio plays indoors, so it's not an issue for us, but if I was in a band that played outdoors, I would definitely add that to the contract.
Lots of breaks. In these circumstances, esp. when playing to the audience you describe, I'd probably do 4-5 songs before heading into cooler rooms, then 10 minutes later another 4-5 songs etc. If you can have a backup track through the PA during breaks everyone will be happy. Explain to the venue what you are doing and why beforehand.
I'm considering dropping $400+ to get one of those IcyBreeze portable ACs. It's similar in the area where I play. Most of the gigs are outdoors in the summer. o_O
We have one that we take with us too our youth sports and we LOVE IT. We keep it on the sidelines during football games for kids that start to overheat or cheerleaders and it's been an outstanding investment considering how much we use it. If you make it to the Houston area come check it out.
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We are similar in age. About to do our 7th gig weekend in a row here in NC. All but one have been outdoors. And all but 1 of those the temp during setup and beginning of the gig has been above 90F. High temp is just a given here in the south. Biggest thing is to be out of the sun. We have a canopy that can be set up fairly quickly and it stays in the trailer. Second is fans, we have 3 fairly large contractor style fans and have a small additional fan, I put on the floor just in front of my pedal board. Third is water which goes without saying but we do have a scheduled water break every 3 songs. It's right on the setlist and combined with some audience interaction of some sort.

Bigger challenge is when it is humid also. Neck gets sticky. Sweat a lot more. I have a towel hung on my mic stand.
Shorts are standard for any outdoor here in the summer. Not even a discussion.

We've never cancelled for heat. Rain and T-storms, yes...but not heat.
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