We have a gig tomorrow night. It's outdoors and the temp is forecast as 111f (43c for you guys outside the US). We're dreading it but a contract was signed. Our drummer is 71 years old. I'm a mere 69 and the rest of the band is late fifties/sixties. Quite honestly I think this is dangerous for us. We're bringing popups but they just keep the heat in. We're thinking in future with the way that weather is going that we need to add a clause to our contracts to allow us to cancel if the heat gets above 100f.
Have any of you guys dealt with this and, if so, how did you go about it? We're gonna hydrate like crazy and cut our sets short but we still worry about somebody passing out etc.
Have any of you guys dealt with this and, if so, how did you go about it? We're gonna hydrate like crazy and cut our sets short but we still worry about somebody passing out etc.