Double Bass How about a list of EUB's?

I have a Z bass EUB designed by the late Henk van Zalinge of the Netherlands.
Sadly, they're no longer available.
I have a Zeta Educator Uprite (41.5" scale). It sounds wonderful for salsa and hot swing with Velvet Garbo strings. Anyone else have one of these?
I also have a Zeta Educator. I have no stand for it and it's the older style three knob with the old style bout. It took me awhile, to figure out how to stop the bass from spinning while being played and to deal with the uncomfortable bout. First, I tried threading the bout through my belt which didn't work. Next, I tried a bass guitar strap which, worked but, I still wasn't satisfied. The final solution, for now, was to cut and slice a pool noodle so that it fit over the bout and that works best until, I have another bright idea.
Hi I'm new here, please excuse my bad grammer, I live in the Van Zalingen country The Netherlands.
Good friend Jan Knooren and I built an EUB for my practise and to be able to play Upright in the trailer on hollidays.
I could only play the acoustic double bass with the head stuck out of the trialer's roofwindow.
Besides that, it took all the space to get in the caravan, which my wife didn't really like!

We built a simple functional EUB with only little acoustics in the Limewood body, (Ebony fingerboard).
The magentic dynamic pickup I designed myself a while ago for a basplayer living in Amsterdam.
He uses his EUB for easy transport in the Amsterdam railway and bus traffic, he also wanted to get away from batteries.

Due to the AlNiCo V magnets in the pickup and the "controlled scatter wound" winding pattern of the coil
it sounds good enough to be recognised as an upright, but not like a bassguitar.
The musicians in the band don't complain and the 'battle against the volume' is no longer an issue.

I hope the pictures work!


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    EUB 5.JPG
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Reactions: Randy Ward
The Electric Upright Bass Database is updated by "base-ist" Hiroshi Hasebe. There´s a wealth of information there, and together with Bob Gollihur´s links page and Sander Huibert´s website Electric Upright Bass Site – What's that low sound? a useful tool for anyone seeking information about electric uprights and hybrid instruments close to the EUB.

These links are no good and is an infected site!