I played baritone horn in the middle school band, and my dad thought I should play bass since I could already read bass clef. I took lessons for a year or two with a good local player and then just kind of went on from there.
In 6th grade I decided to take “orchestra”. I guess because I was tall for my age the instructor suggested the bass. I’ve always been glad she did that.
I was about 6 or 7 and had been learning the trumpet of all things (I wish I had kept it up). My step dad and uncle used to jam every Friday, Saturday and Sunday night on blues tunes. I was coaxed into picking up the shoddy P copy (don't quote me on the brand..) collecting dust in the corner. Fell in love instantly. I'm 32 now and have almost accomplished all I ever set out to do with music thanks to that crappy P bass copy..