How do you handle Complaints?

How do you handle complaints at gigs?

Last fall I was approached in the first break by a young lady at one of our gigs who said she was leaving because it was just too loud and she didn't expect the live music to be as loud as it was. It surprised me that she made a point to tell me why she was leaving. And that was an acoustic set! Everyone else loved it. One person out of an audience of approx 100 complained.
Recently , and again while the entire audience was enjoying and reacting positively, one person complained that the music was too obscure and suggested we play something more mainstream. We were playing Classic Rock Hits...obscure?...really?

How do you respond to those people who seem to be mismatched for your band but show up at the gigs and then complain?

I was sitting with my vocaliat friend (high end pop/dance band) in the lobby of a nice club during his set break Friday night. A man came up and said "you guys are really loud tonight. I saw you at so and so (a non-club venue, charity event) and the volume was not so loud. Can you guys turn down? I was just about to say "well, this is a Friday night dance club and youre comparing it to a black tie charity event (not that those can't get loud!)." Fortunately, my debonair friend the front man beat me with "I'll let the keyboardist know, he is doing all of the sound tonight, we'll see if he can do something." And that personality is why his band is always working.
If anyone says it's too loud at gig, 99% of the time, it's too loud. Either you're playing a place that it's expected there be some volume, where people are coming specifically for the purpose of seeing a show, or you're playing a place to compliment the atmosphere and each environment should be suited respectively for each purpose. It's up to the band to have the sense to determine which is which. If the dance floor isn't packed and people are literally leaving because of the volume, well, kinda speaks for itself.
most people complain just to get attention ...

i'd show her a little .... " thanks for stopping out , you have a nice butt " then watch her walk away .... she'll turn around to check .. !

does that explain why i'm on wife #3 .. ?
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How do you handle complaints at gigs?

Last fall I was approached in the first break by a young lady at one of our gigs who said she was leaving because it was just too loud and she didn't expect the live music to be as loud as it was. It surprised me that she made a point to tell me why she was leaving. And that was an acoustic set! Everyone else loved it. One person out of an audience of approx 100 complained.
Recently , and again while the entire audience was enjoying and reacting positively, one person complained that the music was too obscure and suggested we play something more mainstream. We were playing Classic Rock Hits...obscure?...really?

How do you respond to those people who seem to be mismatched for your band but show up at the gigs and then complain?

Given the fact that both of the complaints you spoke of were unwarranted given the circumstances, I'd simply blow them off and move on.
I usually say thanks for telling me I'll see what I can do. Then add, that's the band leader over there, it would be best if you would tell him. That's why they make the big bucks anyway. If that's me I use the old "feign turning a knob/slider trick, slight of hand" there, that should be an improvement.
If it's actually management telling us to turn down I tell the guys turn the f~€£ Down!
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How do you handle complaints at gigs?

Last fall I was approached in the first break by a young lady at one of our gigs who said she was leaving because it was just too loud and she didn't expect the live music to be as loud as it was. It surprised me that she made a point to tell me why she was leaving. And that was an acoustic set! Everyone else loved it. One person out of an audience of approx 100 complained.
Recently , and again while the entire audience was enjoying and reacting positively, one person complained that the music was too obscure and suggested we play something more mainstream. We were playing Classic Rock Hits...obscure?...really?

How do you respond to those people who seem to be mismatched for your band but show up at the gigs and then complain?

You're missing out THE most important thing, that you forgot to tell us, which is the deal braker or maker here: DID SHE PAY ANYTHING TO ATTEND? entrance fee, tix or anything else? If it was a free concert, then just split, it's not your thing, she has absolutely no reason to complain about anything, but if she paid, then she very well had some more incentive to complain. And should be dealt with accordingly. One can't please them all.