My main focus, musically, is playing in pit orchestras. As many have said, learning how and when to turn pages is just part of the skill set you develop. Piano players, by necessity, are usually really good at it. If I'm playing from individual sheets, and have enough time before hand, I tape them together and accordion fold them. You can have the first or last three sheets open on a music stand, then turn pages to have two open at time. I use paper clips or a pencil (always have multiple pencils) inserted between sheets to go back to repeats, codas, etc. I agree with Jimmy M, always have the original copy of the music with you, or at least, if you have copied just your part, include rehearsal letters, bar numbers or prominent cue marks.
For the last couple of years, I have been using my iPad with PDFs of the music loaded into either UnRealBook or ForScore, both off which allow for annotation, and turn pages by tapping or with an AirTurn Duo foot pedal. I also play in a couple of corporate/ banquet bands and sub in four different bar bands. I have PDFs of the music that I have charted on the iPad, as well as having Kindle versions of the Real Book I and II and iRealBook (for transposable chord charts) available.
The musical Rent is infamous for having the arranger's apology for not being able to provide breaks for page turns written into the score. The song Santa Fe, which features a prominent bass obstinato (edit, of course that is ostinato, however, I kind of like my neologism) can really only be played if it is memorized or using the iPad with a foot pedal for page turns.
I also hate having to play from SATB choral charts and full orchestra conductor scores, way too many page turns; and tuba parts, way too many ledger lines below the staff!
For the last couple of years, I have been using my iPad with PDFs of the music loaded into either UnRealBook or ForScore, both off which allow for annotation, and turn pages by tapping or with an AirTurn Duo foot pedal. I also play in a couple of corporate/ banquet bands and sub in four different bar bands. I have PDFs of the music that I have charted on the iPad, as well as having Kindle versions of the Real Book I and II and iRealBook (for transposable chord charts) available.
The musical Rent is infamous for having the arranger's apology for not being able to provide breaks for page turns written into the score. The song Santa Fe, which features a prominent bass obstinato (edit, of course that is ostinato, however, I kind of like my neologism) can really only be played if it is memorized or using the iPad with a foot pedal for page turns.
I also hate having to play from SATB choral charts and full orchestra conductor scores, way too many page turns; and tuba parts, way too many ledger lines below the staff!
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