Currently have my Modulus Q5 sweet spot strung up drop G0 (GDGCF) with a Kalium balanced .168 set and it’s wonderful, each string literally plays and reacts as the tension is where I’d want any tuning to be with any scale. In this tuning as my good friend and guitarist I’m currently playing with has his highly modified aluminum necked Ed O’Brien strat tuned as so. I will say, if I were going lower I’d probably purchase a Dingwall Combustion 6 or a Spector NS Dimension (wish they came in a 6). With my Moddy in drop G I’m only missing 2 notes on the top end over a standard tuned bass. If I went lower I’d really want a 6 string as ‘d still want a more reasonable range. I don’t find myself using the super low of the G very often as is, but it’s huge and punchy and precise when I want it… thanks graphite
Edit: I wanted to add, I keep a P bass in standard or drop D1 and a G&L JB2 with an L2000 neck that I keep in drop B0 and drop A0.
Edit 2 because I keep filling in between data dumps: I probably wouldn’t go below E0 but if given the chance where a band tuned their guitars double drop D I’d rock the piss out of a 4 string tuned drop D1
Edit: I wanted to add, I keep a P bass in standard or drop D1 and a G&L JB2 with an L2000 neck that I keep in drop B0 and drop A0.
Edit 2 because I keep filling in between data dumps: I probably wouldn’t go below E0 but if given the chance where a band tuned their guitars double drop D I’d rock the piss out of a 4 string tuned drop D1
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