So the sensible thing to do is to use one head per cab. Does not really matter which. Just make sure that you operate within safe parameters. The wattage rating of the speakers usually means how much power they can take before the voice coil melts, but they usually will suffer mechanical damage long before that. So use your ears. Increase the volume carefully and as soon as you hear any kind of farting or distortion from the cab, you're getting into dangerous territory. Back off a bit. Mind that turning up the bass knob usually will push more watts into the cab, too - so know the limits of your equipment and never cross them.
With that out of the way, you can use the line out (XLR) of one head into the FX return of the other head. unfortunately, Markbass is a bit off the mainstream on the FX loop, which is usually located between the preamp and the power amp. On Markbass amps, however, the FX return is affected by the EQ. You should get along by setting the receiving amp flat, though (all EQ controls at noon, all filters at zero).
So after you've set all that to your liking, you can use the master on each amp to set the desired volume of the cab. This should get quite loud.

Thank you very much for this comprehensive and easy to grasp answer.
Unless you're ABSOLUTELY sure you need that much power you're better off just using one head and one cab. Playing through dissimilar cabs can result in bad sound reproduction. But, if you insist on doing what you propose do yourself a favor and buy some earplugs. I predict you'll soon discover that you'rte better off keeping things simple.
What are you actually seeking?

It is hard to imagine that you will need more than the Ninja 1000 watt amp and the 4 ohm 410. If that is not enough volume, you could use the 212 with the little mark 3 along side the ninja/212 with a spitter, but I seriously doubt that the bother would be worth it.

Ideally, you could sell/trade the 4 ohm 410 for another 8 ohm 212, identical to your current 212. You could then run 412's (both 8 ohm 212 cabs) at 4 ohms with the ninja 1000 watt @ 4 ohm head. A 4 ohm 412 is likely noticeably more volume than the 410 from the same manufacturer.

Keep the little mark 3 for a spare or when you "only" need 212's at a lower volume.
Hi All,

I own two cabinets:
1. Markbass 410 HF (4 Ohm), power rating 800W.

2. Markbass 212 Ninja (8 Ohm), power rating 800W.

My two heads:

1. Little Mark 3:
  • 500 Watt @ 4 Ohm
  • 300 Watt @ 8 Ohm

Here is my question: what is the most simple and efficient way to connect them all together without running any risk to damage my equipment?

Many thanks in advance guys.

Kind rgds,

first solution - make one a master and one a slave
second solution - split the signal

This is a perfect opportunity to use a Rickenbacker with Ric-o-sound
Hi All,

I own two cabinets:
1. Markbass 410 HF (4 Ohm), power rating 800W.

2. Markbass 212 Ninja (8 Ohm), power rating 800W.

My two heads:

1. Little Mark 3:
  • 500 Watt @ 4 Ohm
  • 300 Watt @ 8 Ohm

Here is my question: what is the most simple and efficient way to connect them all together without running any risk to damage my equipment?

Many thanks in advance guys.

Kind rgds,
Personally I would hook up one Little Mark 3 to the 410 and the other one to the 212. Then I would run an instrument cord from your effects-out of the Little Mark 3 you hooked up the to 410, into the effects-return of the Little Mark 3 you hook up to the 212. That should send everything from the preamp of the master amp (the one to the 410) into the power section of the slave amp (the one to the 212).

Then all you have to do is balance the volume on each using the "master volume" on each amp to blend the sound you want, and any EQ or Gain settings you change in the Master amp will automatically carry over to the Slave amp. You are totally bypassing the slave amp's preamp using this method.

Then you just plug your bass into the input of the Master amp and everything comes out both cabs. Don't forget to also send the signal from your effects-send back into the effects return of the Master amp too or you won't get any sound out of the Master amp/cab. A simple Y cord coming out of the effects-send of the Master amp allows you to do that.
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Personally I would hook up one Little Mark 3 to the 410 and the other one to the 212. Then I would run an instrument cord from your effects-out of the Little Mark 3 you hooked up the to 410, into the effects-return of the Little Mark 3 you hook up to the 212. That should send everything from the preamp of the master amp (the one to the 410) into the power section of the slave amp (the one to the 212).

Then all you have to do is balance the volume on each using the "master volume" on each amp to blend the sound you want, and any EQ or Gain settings you change in the Master amp will automatically carry over to the Slave amp. You are totally bypassing the slave amp's preamp using this method.

Then you just plug your bass into the input of the Master amp and everything comes out both cabs. Don't forget to also send the signal from your effects-send back into the effects return of the Master amp too or you won't get any sound out of the Master amp/cab. A simple Y cord coming out of the effects-send of the Master amp allows you to do that.
Read the thread. MB do it weird.
Personally I would hook up one Little Mark 3 to the 410 and the other one to the 212. Then I would run an instrument cord from your effects-out of the Little Mark 3 you hooked up the to 410, into the effects-return of the Little Mark 3 you hook up to the 212. That should send everything from the preamp of the master amp (the one to the 410) into the power section of the slave amp (the one to the 212).

Then all you have to do is balance the volume on each using the "master volume" on each amp to blend the sound you want, and any EQ or Gain settings you change in the Master amp will automatically carry over to the Slave amp. You are totally bypassing the slave amp's preamp using this method.

Then you just plug your bass into the input of the Master amp and everything comes out both cabs. Don't forget to also send the signal from your effects-send back into the effects return of the Master amp too or you won't get any sound out of the Master amp/cab. A simple Y cord coming out of the effects-send of the Master amp allows you to do that.
Efx input (return) is in front of Eq . In other words , He would be stacking eq on eq . Not the best plan . Markbass oddity .
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Hi All,

I own two cabinets:
1. Markbass 410 HF (4 Ohm), power rating 800W.

2. Markbass 212 Ninja (8 Ohm), power rating 800W.

My two heads:

1. Little Mark 3:
  • 500 Watt @ 4 Ohm
  • 300 Watt @ 8 Ohm

Here is my question: what is the most simple and efficient way to connect them all together without running any risk to damage my equipment?

Many thanks in advance guys.

Kind rgds,
Run a cable from pre out/fx send to pwr in/fx return. This bypasses the pre amp on the second head, and sends it straight from the first to the power section. Thus, cloning the amp you're plugged in to.
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Thanks a lot for for the great insight.

To put it simply: I don't specifically need/want two amps powering two speakers.

Thing is I first acquired a Markbass 410 HF (4 ohm) and a Little Markbass 3. I've always loved this rig.

But recently I realized I needed something more portable while keeping nearly as much power. After doing some search I came to the conclusion that the New York Ninja 212 + a Little Mark Ninja was the best option for that.

However, I also think in some occasions I might need just a bit more than a single Ninja 212 so I decided to keep my 410 HF 4 ohm.

Maybe another option would be to get a rid of my 410 (4 ohm) cab and Little Mark 3 and buy a second Ninja 212 cab? But I still love my 410...
Then it would be: two 212 Ninja + Little Mark Ninja.

If my 410 cab impedance was 8 Ohm instead of 4 Ohm I guess I could use only one head, the Little Mark ninja then, and add a 212 to the rig.
Your amps have the same power ratings, and your cabs can handle it. There is no problem in what you're asking about doing. Although, you'll get more volume from your 410. No biggie though. Try try try. No harm no foul.
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The problem is getting a unity volume with both heads when done the normal way as you described . With loop before EQ (Markbass) , 99% chance the audience will probably only hear one of rigs . The one they don't hear is just a boat anchor you bring to your gigs
Yeah, that and the fact that it's running 300w instead of the max 500w like the other one. And 2 speakers instead of 4.
The problem is getting a unity volume with both heads when done the normal way as you described . With loop before EQ (Markbass) , 99% chance the audience will probably only hear one of rigs . The one they don't hear is just a boat anchor you bring to your gigs

Unity volume is not related to the loop being pre- or post EQ, you’d have to set the volumes separately either way, especially since the cabs are not the same.
And on top of that, stacking EQs isn’t as big of an issue as many people make it out to be. If anything, I would probably want to EQ both amps differently if two different types of cab are used.
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What are you actually seeking?

It is hard to imagine that you will need more than the Ninja 1000 watt amp and the 4 ohm 410. If that is not enough volume, you could use the 212 with the little mark 3 along side the ninja/212 with a spitter, but I seriously doubt that the bother would be worth it.

Ideally, you could sell/trade the 4 ohm 410 for another 8 ohm 212, identical to your current 212. You could then run 412's (both 8 ohm 212 cabs) at 4 ohms with the ninja 1000 watt @ 4 ohm head. A 4 ohm 412 is likely noticeably more volume than the 410 from the same manufacturer.

Keep the little mark 3 for a spare or when you "only" need 212's at a lower volume.

Thanks for the valuable tips man. Seems to be the most convincing option to me.
The problem is getting a unity volume with both heads when done the normal way as you described . With loop before EQ (Markbass) , 99% chance the audience will probably only hear one of rigs . The one they don't hear is just a boat anchor you bring to your gigs

I think you did the right thing and ordered another 212. I use 2 2x12 cabs and I have to admit it sounds so much better than a 4x10 cab. I also stack them vertically which creates a very full present sound.

Reassuring and exciting to read that!
Can't wait to try them.
I think you'll find in the end that any benefits you might hear at home will be lost on stage and the extra time and effort won't be worth it as previously noted. I've run multiple amp set-ups as well and every time it made it more difficult for the rest of the band and the FOH to find a good mix.
Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing....:)
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I think you'll find in the end that any benefits you might hear at home will be lost on stage and the extra time and effort won't be worth it as previously noted. I've run multiple amp set-ups as well and every time it made it more difficult for the rest of the band and the FOH to find a good mix.
Sometimes you can have too much of a good thing....:)

That's wisely said.

I've finally made up my mind: I'll go the easy yet powerful way ➡️
Two 2x12'' Ninja speakers & a Little Markbass Ninja.
All the rest will be gone.

The new rig will enable me to travel light and keep at least as much power as with the my 410.
Having the option to use one or two relatively small cabs looks great to me.

My main concern/question was on the one hand how to have the possibility to use a relatively small yet powerfully rig, and on the other hand, to make use of my remaining 410 HF (4 ohm) (since I was contemplating keeping it). I actually never considered selling it because it's always given me so much satisfaction. But Igguess that was my heart speaking.
My conclusion after reading all your valuable comments, tips, detailed explanations is that I'd better sell/trade my 410 and get a second optional Ninja 212.

Therefore all signal splitting, ABY pedal-advocating options become obsolete.

Thanks all. This forum is heaven for bass lovers. ❤️