You sound like a man of "absolutes" or "must haves" when it comes to your bass shopping Joe - good on you. Store owners can be really annoying sometimes, especially when you already know what you want.
But I keep in mind that sometimes they just like to talk gear because they love what they do. I have lost entire afternoons in shops just chatting and playing all sorts of different basses.
I've played a few brands I'd never heard of before I picked them up and then been knocked out by them. I've also returned basses that didn't work for me and I've always walked out with something that does.
Many years back I found a mid 90's Custom Japanese Tune Bass 5'er that way - and I still have it. I played every 5'er in the store before I picked her up - and then it was love at first thump.
That's why I love consignment shops - so many diverse / different basses to try.
I also like buying basses from fellow TB'ers - depending on what day of the week it is.
BTW - Chad Beeler at The Bass Shop in Seattle is the man - just sayin.
He's now opening up a Portland store, from what I can gather.