How to get started?

Aug 24, 2014
Hi Everyone,
I'm Toby, and I'm about as new to this forum as I am to learning bass guitar! I picked up a bass for the first time a few days ago (its a friends 4-string, and his amp that I'm borrowing). So far, just to keep me occupied, I've tried learning the bass lines to a few songs (so far I've done Smells like Teen spirit, Rock me like a Hurricane, Seven Nation Army, Kryptonite (3 Doors Down)). However, I wanted to know what the most sensible approach to actually learning to play this instrument is. Should I just keep learning and improving bass covers, or should I divert from those and do exercises and scales and so on?

Any tips and pointers to help me get started on this new instrument are greatly appreciated!

Also, sorry if there already are threads like this. I did a quick search in the forums, but found only threads either about beginner gear or beginner theory. So, I'm sorry if I missed any threads...

And, about myself: right now, to start off I'm playing easy rock songs. My own musical tastes are mostly in metal. Mostly Heavy, as well as some Melodic Death and Folk Metal. So these are probably also the genres I would want to start to head towards playing in the future.
Should I just keep learning and improving bass covers, or should I divert from those and do exercises and scales and so on?

Yes and yes :) Welcome to the forum and bass playing in general. Both learning covers by ear and exercises/scales are important. Learning covers helps to develop your ear which is important when jamming with other musicians to songs you have never played before. The exercises/scales will help you know what to play once your ear pinpoints the root note being played.

When I started I just learned to play by ear to covers and did not learn the scales/theory. It is a huge regret of mine. I am basically illiterate when speaking to other musicians. I did not even know where the notes were on the bass. A guitar player would say "we are going to play such and such song in G", and I would have tell them to just start playing and I would figure it out because that meant nothing to me. I have since learned the notes on the fret board and some scales, but the saying it is tough to teach an old dog new tricks is true. It was much harder to go back and learn theory/scales when I could just listen to a song and play it.

Taking lessons is another option, but if you are disciplined enough to do it, you could do well with various bass lessons on the internet.
Lastly, once you learn a few covers, start jamming with people. You can learn so much by playing in a garage band, and it is way more fun than playing to the radio!

You will get lots of good advice here.
Good luck!
Yes to what has been said. Get a teacher. If you teach yourself your instructor does not know what he is doing. However, if you do teach yourself I'd start you off with knowing where the notes are on your fretboard. Why? So later on when your ear tells you, or you see a chord your fingers know what to do with that information. So lets get started. The following are some things you can work on before you get with a teacher -- that can tell you how to do it correctly.


For this paper we will be referring to notes as A, B, C & 1, 2, 3. For example:

C Major Scale…….....…C, D, E, F, G, A, B, C (octave)
Scale degree number. 1. 2, 3,.4,.5, 6, 7, 8 (octave)

The Major Scale Box Pattern will also be used in our examples.
The Major Scale Box
G|~~|---A----|-------|---B---|---C---|1st string
E|~~|---------|---G---|-------|---A----| 4th string

C and D played on the A string.
E, F and G played on the D string.
A, B and C played on the G string.

Why did I place the C root note on the A string? If we place the tonic root note of the scale or chord progression on the A string the 4th and 5th scale degrees will be above and below the tonic root note. Why is that important? The I-IV-V chord progression finds its way into hundreds of simple songs. Having the I, IV and V root notes all together in one spot will prove to be an advantage.

Octaves - Playing the root of a chord and just pounding out root notes is safe - and boring. Think about octaves, which is the root in another octave, R-8, or R-8-R-8 or R-R-8-8, safe and simple. Hold on --- the 5 is always right below the 8 so the R-5-8-5 becomes another safe bass line you could get into muscle memory very easily. More on that later.

Any root note’s octave can be found up two strings and over two frets. To simplify this paper “over” will mean move toward the bridge and “back” will mean move toward the nut. OK this will find the 8 or octave note, if you want to return to the 1 note go down two strings and back two frets.

Find a C note. For its octave 8 go up two strings and over two frets. For the tonic 1 note go down two strings and back two frets.

5th fret rule
The A at the 5th fret is the same as the open A string.
The D at the 5th fret is the same as the open D string.
The G at the 5th fret is the same as the open G string.

7th fret rule
E at the 7th fret is the same as the E open string.
A at the 7th fret is the same as the A open string.
D at the 7th fret is the same as the D open string.

Finding the other notes
  • From any note where is its 2? Over two frets same string.
  • From any note where is its 3? Up a string and back one fret.
  • From any note where is its 4? Up a string same fret.
  • From any note where is its 5? Up a string and over two frets, or right below on the next string down, same fret.
  • From any note where is its 6? Up two strings and back one fret. Right over the 3.
  • From any note where is its 7? Up two strings and over one fret. If you want C’s 7th find a C and the 7th is back one fret. This comes in handy when moving back down a scale.
  • From any note where is its 8? Up two strings and over two frets.

Major scale box showing scale degree numbers and the root note on the 4th string.
G|---2---|-------|---3---|---4---| 1st string
E|-------|---R---|-------|---2---|4th string

This box, using scale degree numbers instead of note names will allow you to utilize the scale or chord spelling in your bass lines. See a Cmaj7 chord coming up in the song. The spelling for the Cmaj7 is R-3-5-7. Find those scale degrees within the box and you have a safe bass line. Start with just roots, need more add a 5. The 8 is always a safe addition. From there the correct 3 and 7 fill out a bass line very well.

Good luck, and welcome to the bottom end.
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Hi and welcome to the low end. ;)

As technique and the more practical side to playing has not been mentioned yet...I'll do so. IMO at the early stage you are currently at, it is important to develop a comfortable but SAFE
technique. Doing this will not just help you to play to the best of your potential, but will also help to avoid possible injury problems further down the road. Below are some clips on left and right hand technique.

Also FWIW, I'll offer some practical advice too. When you are starting out, it is tempting to have marathon practice sessions (assuming you have the time). Try to break up your practice sessions into periods of about forty five minutes to start.. Then take a break and come back to it. This not only gives the brain a rest from all the new things to learn, but it also gives the hands/fingers/wrists a chance to adjust slowly to these new tasks being asked of them...not to mention avoiding the dreaded blisters. :smug: Later you can start gradually increasing the practice period while still taking regular breaks. Be patient with yourself and try not to cram in too much too soon, otherwise frustration can set in.

Best of luck with it.

Here are the clips I mentioned earlier :

Here is some more things I wish I had when I first started. Print this off and file it away in your reference folder. What, you do not have a reference folder? Start one.

OK -- first things first. Until we understand the Major and minor scale -- which notes are in each scale and the difference in a scale and a key -- most of the stuff you read on the internet will only take you so far before a brick wall comes into the picture. Those Internet bits and pieces of information assume you already understand this, and with out this basic knowledge everything will keep being Jell-O.

No way you can remember all this. File it away so when you need it you know where to go get it.

How can the following help you? The band director says; "Next one is Kiss Ole Kate, we'll do it in G ready 1 & 2 & 3..... OK you need to know the notes and chords in the scale/key of G and have some sheet music or chord charts on Kiss Ole Kate that you can use.

The melody instruments will play notes of the G scale and the harmony instruments (which we are one) will play notes of the chords made from the G scale notes. So it kinda helps if you know what those notes and or chords are -- or have some way of remembering then.

Having the notes of the Major and Natural minor scale all on one page is hard to find. That is why I've listed them below.

Major Scale Chart 221-2221 Major Key I,ii,iii,IV,V,vi,viidim
Interval number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
C major scale.....C D E F G A B........................Notice how each scale has different
G Major scale.....G A B C D E F#......................notes. C has no sharps or flats and
D Major scale.....D E F# G A B C#....................the E major scale has 4 sharps. I've
Etc, etc. ............A B C# D E F# G#.................given you some memory pegs below
........................E F# G# A B C# you will not have to rely upon this
........................B C# D# E F# G# A#.............scale chart all the time.
........................F# G# A# B C# D# E#
........................C# D# E# F# G# A# B#
Now the flats......F G A Bb C D E
........................Bb C D Eb F G A
........................Eb F G Ab Bb C D
........................Ab Bb C Db Eb F G
........................Db Eb F Gb Ab Bb C
........................Gb Ab Bb Cb Db Eb F
........................Cb Db Eb Fb Gb Ab Bb

Natural Minor Scale Chart 212-2122 Natural Minor Key i,iidim,III,iv,v,VI,VII
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
E F# G A B C D
B C# D E F# G A
F# G# A B C# D E
C# D# E F# G# A B
G# A# B C# D# E F#
D# E# F# G# A# B C#
A# B# C# D# E# F# G#
D E F G A Bb C
G A Bb C D Eb F
C D Eb F G Ab Bb
F G Ab Bb C Db Eb
Bb C Db Eb F Gb Ab
Eb F Gb Ab Bb Cb Db
Ab Bb Cb Db Eb Fb Gb

Print this off and use it as a reference as you study the rest of this post.

Everything we do in Western music (Western part of the World) is based on the Major scale. To understand it we really have to start with the chromatic scale. -- C, C#/Db, D, D#/Eb, E, F, F#/Gb, G, G#/Ab, A, A#/Bb, B, C.
12 sounds that start over again at the 13th (C) with another octave of the same. Understand C#/Db is one sound, thus one note with two names. They are the in-between sounds - the black keys on the piano. Notice it's not every other one -- E does not have a # or sharped note nor does B. Why not? That will drive you crazy, just accept it and keep going.

At the begining of the Major Scale Chart notice the "phone number" 221-2221. This phone number is the tone, half tone structure I'm sure you have heard of. I remember the phone number easier than Tone, Tone, Half Tone, Tone, Tone, Tone, Half Tone. Use which ever one lifts your kilt. This phone number is your memory peg to help you decide what notes are in each Major scale. Take any note - let's use C to start with. Apply the phone number looking at the chromatic scale - C go up two notes to D now go up two more notes to E, now go up one note to F continue on going up two notes to G then two more to A then two more to B then one to C.

That is the C Major Scale. C,D,E,F,G,A,B,C. Now do that same thing for the G scale and you end up with one sharp note, the F#. The D scale ends up with two sharps the F# you already have and the C#. Continue on and you will have built the full Major scale -- just by applying that "magic phone number"

Next thing written at the top of the Major Scale chart is something called Major Key I,ii,iii,IV,V,vi,viidim,I. --- Upper case will be major chords and the lower case will be minor chords. That is the key structure cheat sheet, memory peg, what ever you want to call it -- that will tell you what chords are in a certain key. Remember scales have notes and keys have chords. That is no exactly correct, but, for now close enough for our study. Let's use the D scale and find what chords are in the key of D.

Structure.. I,. ii,... iii,... IV, V,.vi, viidim,..... I
D scale =.. D, E,.. F#,... G, A,. B,.. C#,....... D
Key of D = D, Em, F#m, G, A, Bm, C#dim,.. D --- notice the F# note becomes a F#m chord. and the E note is now a Em chord. A key will have three Major chords, three minor chords and one diminished chord. Every key will have this same number of Major, minor and diminished chords.

The band director says; "OK, the next song will be in D". The solo instruments will select their solo notes from the D scale and the accompaniment instruments will use the key of D for their chords. And Yes if the bassists will be playing accompaniment he/she will gather their notes from the active chord for their bass lines. R-R-R-R or R-5 or what ever fits with this song.

Now look at the minor scale chart. Notice the phone number is different and the key structure is also different. Apply these the same way as you did for the Major scale -- they being different is what gives the minor sound.

Notice something else -- the first column of the minor scale is the same as the 6th column in the Major scale. The 2nd minor scale column is the same as the 7th Major scale column. The third minor scale column is the same as the 1st Major scale column, etc, etc, etc. Just something to keep in mind when you start studing relative minors etc.

Some memory pegs that will help you remember things on the fly:
  • See God Destroy All Earth By F#iry C#aos. Is the order of scales that have sharps in them. C has none, G has 1, D has 2, E has 4, etc.
  • Fat Cats Go Down Alleys Eating Birds. Is the order of the sharps in the sharp scales. C has none, G has one the F# (fat) D has 2, the F# and the C# (cats), etc.
  • Farmer Brown Eats Apple Dumplings Greasly Cooked. Is the order of the scales that have flats in them. F has one, the Bb, Bb keeps itself and adds the Eb. Eb keeps itself, the Bb and adds the Ab. Notice how it builds from Farmer Brown Eats Apples, etc.
Use these memory pegs:

See God Destroy All Earth By F#iry C#aos
Fat Cats Go Down Alleys Eating Birds
Farmer Brown Eats Apple Dumplings Greasly Cooked

The lymiric See God Destroy... and Farmer Brown .... can be used to remember the Circle of 5ths order which can be used to help you with chord progressions.

I've just given you the basic foundation of Western Music.
  • The Major Scale and which scales have what notes.
  • What notes are sharped and which notes are flatted.
  • The Major Key structure and which chords are in each key.
  • Which chords are Major chords, which are minor chords and which one is the minor diminished chord.
We really only do three things with our instruments. We make either, scales, chords or arpeggios. Perhaps you now understand scales and chords a little better ------ now go on the Internet and learn how to use scales and chords. Dirt simple logic; scales are for the melody, chords are for the harmony. If the melody notes and the notes of the chords share some of the same notes we get harmonization. That is how music thinks.

Quiz; Under a C major chord what bass line will fit while that C chord is active?
Answer; the notes of the C major chord. Question; what are the notes of the C major chord? Answer; the Root, 3rd scale degree and the 5th scale degree, i.e. C, E, G notes. Where on your fretboard is the C, E and G notes? And this brings us back to my first post.

I glued a picture of the Circle of 5th on my first instrument so I could sneak a peak when ever I needed some help. Help yourself to one of these; of 5ths&tbm=isch&imgil=-Cp5KlJsP5zt8M:;I8U63V4ACDlOIM;;I8U63V4ACDlOIM;;;1024;1024

It's a circle - put the scale name, or tonic chord name you want at 12:00 O'clock. The three major chords, or scale notes are outside the circle. The three minor chords or scale notes are inside the circle and the diminished chord or scale note is inside just to the right of the last minor chord. Chords or notes works the same.

Have fun, it is a journey. Little today, little more tomorrow... When you are comfortable with this it then will be time to study chord progressions and harmony. First things first...
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Wow, thanks so much everyone! That is truly phenomenal, and I'm sure will get me off to a great start! Another question on technique: I've been mostly plucking with index/middle finger. Now, I've tried picking (I think its a 1.14mm pick, if thats relevant), and I find it a bit awkward and clumsy. Is it worth investing time to get more comfortable with the pick, to be more versatile, or do most players just stick to one style of playing and don't bother with the other? Thanks!

(P.S. - Again, just WOW! I am truly blown away by the effort and support I'm receiving here -thank you so much!)
Wow, thanks so much everyone! That is truly phenomenal, and I'm sure will get me off to a great start! Another question on technique: I've been mostly plucking with index/middle finger. Now, I've tried picking (I think its a 1.14mm pick, if thats relevant), and I find it a bit awkward and clumsy. Is it worth investing time to get more comfortable with the pick, to be more versatile, or do most players just stick to one style of playing and don't bother with the other?

There has been many "pick v fingers" debates here on TB over the years. :D Some bass players look down on those who play with a pick, regarding them as somehow inferior.

Needless to say, this is a very silly and naive point of view. The more "tools" we have at our disposal the better. Play with pick or fingers, whichever you are comfortable with. The ideal thing would be to be comfortable with both, as some songs may sound better with one or the other.

As for picking itself, some people like thicker/stiffer picks. IMO the latter is easier on your hand/wrist. Picks are cheap so buy a few different types with various thickness, and see which one is best for you.

As with plucking, there is a tried and tested technique to avoid injury over the long term. Carol Kaye is regarded as one of the iconic pick players. She has being using one for longer than I care to remember. Check out how she advises people to use one, in this link : (see tips #26 &27).

EDIT : On the subject of picks, you may be interested in this rather lengthy thread about the Carol Kaye pick method :
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What helped me learn scales and stuff like that was learning the scales with songs that use them. Seven nation army is based around Em scale. So i would learn the riff, learn the scale play the riff in different positions, and BAM! You are learning scales and cool songs at the same time.

Yes, no doubt that scales are very important, but equally so are CHORD TONES.

OP, it is chord tones that the bassist will play most of the time, so give them at least equal priority with scales.

Here is a link that talks about the importance of chord tones. The site itself is one of the best IMO.
In the absence of a teacher, you could go through the lessons slowly.
Wow, thanks so much everyone! That is truly phenomenal, and I'm sure will get me off to a great start! Another question on technique: I've been mostly plucking with index/middle finger. Now, I've tried picking (I think its a 1.14mm pick, if thats relevant), and I find it a bit awkward and clumsy. Is it worth investing time to get more comfortable with the pick, to be more versatile, or do most players just stick to one style of playing and don't bother with the other? Thanks!

(P.S. - Again, just WOW! I am truly blown away by the effort and support I'm receiving here -thank you so much!)

Welcome to bass! You've had lots of advice already (probably more than you're going to be able to process for a while), so I won't pile on. Just briefly:

+1 to the videos about hand position and technique; you don't want to set yourself up for later carpal tunnel and tendinitis.

I'd suggest dividing your time between working on technique and theory (scales, exercises) and learning to cover songs. The one will make you a better musician; the other will be more enjoyable, make you more useful to bands, and give you a chance to see how bassists you admire put their lines together. Both are important.

Yes, learn to pick, especially since you said a while back you're interested in metal. Lots of great bassists in various genres (and especially metal) use picks. It's just another tool in the kit. Buy a few different ones (they're cheap, after all) and go with the one you like best. I'm partial to 1.0 mm Claytons, but that's me. Brian Beller, by the way, has a great article on how he plays metal fingerstyle. Ah, found it...

Have fun!
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Might as well give you some more. Fearceol mentioned chord tones. Yes that is what we play 95% of the time. Here is another cut and paste paper for your reference file.

My old standby chart of generic bass lines using the major scale box as a Rosetta stone.

Bass Patterns based upon the Major Scale box.

Major Scale Box.
G|---2---|-------|---3---|---4---| 1st string
E|-------|---R---|-------|---2---|4th string
You may recognize this pattern with dots.
Adding the numbers lets the pattern come alive.

Cmaj7 chord coming up in the song. Find a C note on the 3rd or 4th string and put this box's R over that C note. Then play the "spelling" for the Cmaj7 chord. That spelling is listed below and it is R-3-5-7. If you wanted to play the C major scale, that spelling is R-2-3-4-5-6-7.

Basic Chord Spellings
  • Major Triad = R-3-5 for the C chord.
  • Minor Triad = R-b3-5 for the Cm chord.
  • Diminished Chord = R-b3-b5 for the Cdim chord.
7th Chord Spellings
  • Maj7 = R-3-5-7 for the Cmaj7 chord.
  • Minor 7 = R-b3-5-b7 for the Cm7 chord.
  • Dominant 7 = R-3-5-b7 for the C7 chord.
  • ½ diminished = R-b3-b5-b7 for the Cm7b5 chord.
  • Full diminished = R-b3-b5-bb7 for the C with the little o - no strike through.
See a chord and play it's chord tones. As every key will have three major, three minor and one diminished chord it's a good idea to get your major, minor and diminished bass line chord tones into muscle memory so when you see a chord your fingers just know what will work. Now the song may only give you enough room for the root, or root five - adapt and get as many chord tones into your bass line as needed. Root on 1 and a steady groove from the other chord tones plus something to call attention to the chord change is what we do.

Scale Spellings Yep, gotta do our scales so our fingers know where the notes are and our ears get used to the good and bad sounds. Scales are a right of passage thing. Got to know them, however, chord tones is what we get paid to play.
  • Major Scale = R-2-3-4-5-6-7 Home base
  • Major Pentatonic = R-2-3-5-6 Leave out the 4 & 7
  • Natural Minor Scale = R-2-b3-4-5-b6-b7 Major scale with the 3, 6 & 7 flatted.
  • Minor Pentatonic = R-b3-4-5-b7 Leave out the 2 & 6.
  • Blues = R-b3-4-b5-5-b7 Minor pentatonic with the blue note b5 added.
  • Harmonic Minor Scale = R-2-b3-4-5-b6-7 Natural minor with a natural 7.
  • Melodic Minor Scale = R-2-b3-4-5-6-7 Major scale with a b3.
Let the major scale be your home base then change a few notes and you have something different. No need to memorize a zillion patterns. Let the major scale pattern be your go to pattern - then adapt/adjust from there.

Generic Notes - for your bass line.
  • The root, five and eight are generic (R-5-8-5) and fit most any chord. Remember the diminished has a flatted 5.
  • The 3 is generic to all major chords. So R-3-5-3 will fit under any major chord.
  • The b3 is generic to all minor chords. And R-b3-5-8 will fit under any minor chord. Why the 8? Well the 8 is just another root in the next octave.
  • The 7 is generic to all maj7 chords. Yep, R-3-5-7 fits nicely.
  • The b7 is generic to all dominant seventh and minor seventh chords. G7 = R-3-5-b7 or Gm7 = R-b3-5-b7.
  • The 6 is neutral and adds color, help yourself to 6’s. Love the sound of R-3-5-6 with a major chord.
  • The 2 and 4 make good passing notes. Don’t linger on them or stop on them, keep them passing.
  • In making your bass line help yourself to those notes, just use them correctly.
  • Roots, fives, eights and the correct 3 & 7 will play a lot of bass.
OK fine, how to use all that I know is the question. How about some generic riffs and or grooves:
Memphis Soul Memphis Soul Stew Bass Lesson - Google can find hundreds of riffs for you; get several into muscle memory. Here are some
|6667 8555 5668|5538 6333 3378| and the ole R-5-8-5 will fit most anywhere.

These two videos should help pull all of this into focus.

Have fun, little today, roots. Little more tomorrow root and fifth. Then root with a walk to the fifth, etc. etc. You have enough now to keep you busy for 6 months. When you come up for air let us hear from you. LOL
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So much useful info in this thread it should be a sticky.

I agree. This topic comes up at least once a week. There is so much information out there that it can be a bit over whelming for a beginner to know where to start. I suppose that's the reason why the topic does appear so often.

I'll P.M. the mods and see if they think it is worthwhile making it a sticky.
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Take a little time (could take a few months) to find the best instructor your budget will allow, plus a few extra bucks. Consider private live (or skype) venues held weekly for at least the first year. A good instructor will have a pre lesson interview and or questionnaire that will ask about your experience level, goals, understanding of the basics, genre preferences, ect. (My preference was for a bass player - not a guitar player teaching bass) This is a good start but plan on refining these answers as you move forward as most likely they will evolve as you do. They will also explore how well they fit with you - again this may change over time as well. A good instructor will also be very familiar with most of the best methods you'll find recommended as the best here on TB. By familiar I mean they have a solid working knowledge of the method itself and have used the study materials with students in the past. They will also be able to supply a list of popular songs that you can use to reinforce the individual lessons as you move through the materials. Lastly, nothing here is of any practical value if your study habits are poor - with that said study should also be enjoyable (not 100% but most of the time). So - choose, know AND FOCUS where you are headed, study often and have fun doing it.
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Before the thread is locked, I thought that this link is worth adding. Lots of useful information in one place.

[link removed (domain for sale, reported rootkit security alert)]

Credit goes to fellow TB'r "Whousedtoplay" who posted it in the "Technique" forum.
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Hey Toby,

Congrats on becoming a bass player...and welcome! Check out the book Bass Guitar For Dummies (and don't take offense to the title,'s a brand, that's all). Make sure it's the 3rd edition, it comes with tracks as well as videos. I think it'll speed up your learning curve quite a bit. Good luck and welcome aboard!