Here because I can hang out with other bass players/musicians that I would otherwise have no business being around. Haven't really "connected" with any members yet, but everyday I can learn something new, get a different perspective, or just enjoy the various personalities.
As a newer player, the like-mindedness of other bassists is a great resource. As an example, a few weeks ago I finally wrapped my head around what I thought were some eye opening concepts. I watched a Mark Smith video that made my fretboard finally take shape in my mind. Instead of memorizing the notes and their location on the fretboard like I've been trying for the last year, he showed me the actual order of the notes. Really made the fretboard make so much more sense. Revolutionary for this newb! Then I learned about the root (above/below/octave) and the fifth. Wow, very cool stuff. The problem with self taught is you get what you pay for. So my point being, there is a bassist at my church who always says hello and encourages my practice. Once I learned these concepts, I couldn't wait to see him to tell him. He as always, was very encouraging, and just generally a super nice guy. But he understood what I was talking about, while my wife just looks at me with a look like "who is this clown?" But to her credit she always listens and encourages as best she can.
I do a quick check pretty much everyday on my favorite subsections.