I know, I know - I only have myself to blame.


Why Can't We All Get Along?
Nov 19, 2006
Somewhere near Raleigh
My oldest son uses a few basses from the herd, and really loves this Koa/Purpleheart Peavey Unity. He always treats our gear well and I have no problem lending him any bass or amp I own.

Unfortunately, a band member or two thought it would be funny to slap on a sticker they found on the floor at their last gig. Opened the case, slapped it on, and closed it. He's pretty pissed off and ashamed, and rightfully so.

On the upside, the top-side of the body was starting to wear, and I was planning on sanding it back and re-oiling it later this year, but this kinda gets me mad (which is pretty hard to do). I know this is an easy removal job, but the whole situation makes me wants to clunk a couple of heads and give them a life lesson about other people's stuff.

It doesn't matter that it's not a boutique bass, what matters is that it ain't yours


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Gawt dang kids and their rock and roll music. I really like Peavey basses and fostered an early '00s Fury IV for many years, using as a backup or alternate tuning bass. I think that's a great looking guitar. And it's definitely disrespectful of your son's bandmates to mess with his (your) gear. Maybe you could employ a little "dad voice" on them next time you see them. I'm not even a dad, and I find that gets results.

I must shamefully admit myself that I have vandalized a guitar with stickers and even tried to repaint one. It was over 20 years ago now. I still have the guitar, with its bowed neck and horrible paint job. Part that sucks is its a Teisco Spectrum, which I've found going for upwards of $400. Another case of "no one to blame but myself"
I would definitely give them a good talking to. Practical jokes are one thing, but it's just not right on any level to do something that could permanently damage an instruments finish. Worst we ever did was switch my roommates basses while he was in the shower befor leaving to his gig. Just one day before, he bought a fretless P bass and struggled to stay in tune simply playing a major scale. And as planned, he grabbed the old case thinking his fretted bass was inside it. We followed a few minutes behind (with his fretted bass). Once set up and opened the case to find the fretless..... the look of panic. Just priceless. Funny stuff, but nothing damaged.
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Hey, thanks for the replies. Some good stuff here. They're all good young men, and will benefit with a good "boundary recognition" lesson...it will certainly help them later on in life.

It's ironic that I've posted this - I'm a huge prankster and everyone on my hockey teams will certainly attest to that...but you have to know limits. Last week, I left my helmet unattended for a few minutes prior to a game. One of my teammates filled all the vent holes with wads of clear tape...never saw it, and I couldn't keep the sweat out of my eyes all game. To make it better, I didn't see the tape until the next day when I was drying my gear.
I remember when a drummer of mine unscrewed my speaker grill during a set break and stuck a magazine pic of a naked fella underneath. I didn’t notice until I heard a flapping noise, and turned to see a naked paper man thrusting his loins behind my speaker grill. I wasn’t so much embarrassed as I was concerned that he was so easily able to find a readily available source for such material...
My oldest son uses a few basses from the herd, and really loves this Koa/Purpleheart Peavey Unity. He always treats our gear well and I have no problem lending him any bass or amp I own.

Unfortunately, a band member or two thought it would be funny to slap on a sticker they found on the floor at their last gig. Opened the case, slapped it on, and closed it. He's pretty pissed off and ashamed, and rightfully so.

On the upside, the top-side of the body was starting to wear, and I was planning on sanding it back and re-oiling it later this year, but this kinda gets me mad (which is pretty hard to do). I know this is an easy removal job, but the whole situation makes me wants to clunk a couple of heads and give them a life lesson about other people's stuff.

It doesn't matter that it's not a boutique bass, what matters is that it ain't your $h1t.
50 cent plastic putty knife. It'll come right off. Then, a little scrub, shine, and it was never there.
Oh yeah...I never had any intention on going postal - it's just a bass and just a sticker (which is already completely gone), and they meant no harm.
Just a mindless prank - they had no idea whose bass it was - which is kind of the point back to them. They'll learn not to mess with other people's stuff because the consequences could have been a lot worse.

Thanks for all the feedback.