New poster here, but did a few years of recording/playing shows with an original hard rock (admittedly pre-covid). It was never our full-time job, so we never "went for broke, travelling the country in an RV / Ford Econoline", but we tried to do as much as we could ourselves: we did our own artwork and we did as much of the recording of an album on our own as possible. We tracked in a home studio, then I believe we payed for a couple days of mixing (two days at a rate of $400 a day), as well as paid for mastering (I believe it was around $400, but certainly not by a bigshot well-known engineer, as this can cost MUCH more).
We mainly avoided promoters and worked directly with venues that had a lot of "3-4 bands play for the door" nights. If you follow bands with a similar sound, you can find out what those venues are. We never made a lot of money, but the only thing those venues took off the top was about $50 per band for the soundman. We kept the rest, which wasn't a lot, but we didn't have to pay either (we NEVER did pay-to-play or battle of the bands, those are borderline scams). Unfortunately, there are far more original artists than original venues, so we only played a handful of times a year. Again, we weren't trying to get famous, and I feel that online is probably the way to go for those trying to make it big.
The struggle with artists and merch cuts is very real. Good news is that as of a couple months ago, LiveNation ended the practice of charging merchandising fees for it's smaller venues. This should also pressure the non-LiveNation rooms to stop this practice as well (otherwise, touring artists will simply play the LiveNation rooms and keep their merch money). Kind of ironic, because the big guys started it, then the little guys realized they could get away with it because of that, and now the big guys have stopped doing it, so the little guys can't justify it anymore.
Lastly, #mymerch has set up a GREAT list of the "good" venues that let artists keep all their merch money:
North American 100% Venues #MyMerch Form (Responses)
And here's another list (in picture form) of venues that have stopped merch cuts:
Just my two drink tickets