Adam, how's the balance? That's a big neck on a small, slim body.
hey y'all, thanks so much for the interest! i'm absolutely thrilled about this bass. specs are absolutely identical to the hand-built custom. same custom bartolini electronics, same body/neck/fingerboard woods, same string spacing (18mm) same hardware, etc, etc... the only difference is the color, which as you have seen is a lighter hue and slightly different burst than the custom. don't quote me on this, but price will probably be in the $2200 range. i have the prototype at my house, and it plays and sounds amazing. i'm very excited.
Looks fantastic Adam!
Just out of curiosity, will there be 4 and 5 string versions available too?
Adam, what's the weight like on this? Oh, and that is one sexy beast. I too would love to try one in 5.
Wow, ouch! Enjoy it your youth man cause when you get to be my age you'll be looking at Elricks, haha. It's beautiful but way too heavy for me.
So anyone know where we can get our hands on one over this side of the pond?
So FedEx just dropped off the latest sample for the ANB306! It plays and sounds fantastic! I snapped some not-so-great quick pics of it to share, but I'll post better ones shortly: