Ibanez bass tube screamer sounds great through my computer but not through my preamp tubed ampeg?

What i find weirded is that the overdrive setting on the pd7 was perfect! Just that and if rhymes added a blend it would be awesome but nope... everything I have heard of the bass tube screamed was just blah... ended up with a cog mini 66 to get that low end boost would blend instead
I guess if you could get an audio clip so we can hear the "high frequency farts" it might be helpful.

BTW saying a TS only works with tube amps is not technically correct. The common post-SRV application of setting a TS for a mild boost to kick a tube preamp into breaking up works exactly the same with a solid state preamp, although in most cases the end result sounds different. Crank the gain on a TS all the way up and then it's just like any other distortion device...which is what it was designed to do.
What i find weirded is that the overdrive setting on the pd7 was perfect! Just that and if rhymes added a blend it would be awesome but nope... everything I have heard of the bass tube screamed was just blah... ended up with a cog mini 66 to get that low end boost would blend instead
wut in the wut where wut huh? who? umm... mixed up your threads?
Well, the tube screamer was made to push tubes. My ts808 sounds awful on solidstate amps and not useful at all without tubes.

Any overdrive pedal will push either a tube or solid state amp. That’s why they’re called overdrive pedals. If you can’t get a workable sound out of something on your solid-state amp, you need to revisit your amp’s EQ settings.

Minor note: The TS808 variant of the Tube Screamer was also released back in the 70s. At that point in time tube amps were mostly what you had. The solid-state amps of that era hadn’t gained wide acceptance. And those solid-state amps that did gain a following (Acoustic, Sunn) often came with a built-in fuzz or distortion circuit. So an outboard overdrive would have likely been considered redundant by most solid-state amp owners at that point in time. So I’m guessing Ibanez didn’t feel the need to market it to that crowd.

It’s pretty common knowledge though, that a “tube” screamer really only works to its full potential with tube amps,

If that’s “common knowledge” where you are, you apparently live in a different universe than the rest of us here do. But if you choose to believe that, so be it. People get themselves to believe all sorts of things when it cones to music gear.
How are you monitoring the computer sound, and what speaker cabs are you using with your amp? The sound difference may have a fair amount to do with the speakers used. It may not account for 100% of it, but still worth considering.