If Jaco Pastorius would be alive today, which bass would he use?

During Jaco's big bass time, there weren't as many companies producing bass gutiars as today. Warwick, for example, did not exist...

What kind of bass/bass brand or model would Jaco Pastorius use if he'd be alive today?


EDIT: Him being quite a progressive bass player I could imagine he'd go for something else than the 'ordinary' Fender Jazz Bass (!?)

Probably a Mac Book Pro.
Citation needed! :D

Rather unexpectedly, look what I found:

Posted on a talkbass thread, no less! Thanks for that, Rev!
I'd guess that smashing the bass was an attempt to get out of that box, partly self-destructive, but also an attempt to get free. He probably needed a sabbatical from bass playing, to get free of alcohol, to "find himself" , find his center and happiness regardless of how well he played.

Or, y'know, he was a drug addict who did something stupid because he did one too many lines that night.
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