If you weren't a Bass Player...

I started on guitar before moving to bass. I still play both regularly, but I'm personally just wired for bass. After I smashed a finger (shower door) two months ago I couldn't play either guitar or bass for a couple of weeks, then I could play bass, but not guitar. Concentrating on bass now has clearly demonstrated to me that I'm a bass player and if I didn't still love the instruments I should sell them for the money.
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Cello, I used to take cello lesson when I was younger. However, there was no way to make the cello quiet. Less loud sure but not quiet. So when I had time to practice in the evenings my father would already be asleep. Bass I could practice with head phones or just not plugged in.
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it would be nothing. I tried a bunch of instruments and none spoke to me. zero nada nothing.

the moment I touched and realized what a bass was there was no other instrument


43 years later and I still have no desire to play anything else.

Never have and it is safe to say I never will.

If it ain’t the bass GTFO.