Is this still worth something?

I’m still interested in a trade but for a limited time only because the trash goes out on Tuesday...
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View attachment 2993143 I’m still interested in a trade but for a limited time only because the trash goes out on Tuesday...
Flawed comparison, my bass is not in playable condition and if the costs of repairs will be worth while remains to be seen. I don't think the repairs will be 30 bucks as some one estimated in this topic, if you let it get repaired at least..

I love threads where people get completely indignant and fly off the handle with political insults after people suggest donating an unwanted bass.
I admit that I was not being my nicest self either, but that was only after being triggered by some comments that were very judgemental and came across as personal bashing (read it back). Even after acknowledging the idea of donating it to a school it continued. I ran out of patience and verbally started biting back.

This topic is not a promotion to become a supporting TB member I can tell you that.
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And I've read the topic back a bit and it only confirms that I am not at blame here. In my 3th comment I already had mentioned that the bass is not in playable condition for a school etc, 4 pages of comments I am still getting 'harassed' for even mentioning trashing the bass in the first opening post. Bleh!
Flawed comparison, my bass is not in playable condition and if the costs of repairs will be worth while remains to be seen. I don't think the repairs will be 30 bucks as some one estimated in this topic, if you let it get repaired at least..

I admit that I was not being my nicest self either, but that was only after being triggered by some comments that were very judgemental and came across as personal bashing (read it back). Even after acknowledging the idea of donating it to a school it continued. I ran out of patience and verbally started biting back.

This topic is not a promotion to become a supporting TB member I can tell you that.
I thought you kept it cool, considering the circumstances. It was definitely an undeserved assault. Yes, there are better options you could choose, but it’s your f’ing bass. I don’t think you’re despicable, just making a decision I personally wouldn’t make. There’s nothing more to it than that.
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I thought you kept it cool, considering the circumstances. It was definitely an undeserved assault. Yes, there are better options you could choose, but it’s your f’ing bass. I don’t think you’re despicable, just making a decision I personally wouldn’t make. There’s nothing more to it than that.
Thanks for being sensible. The reason for making this topic in the first place was to find out if the bass was worth to keep and repair or if it doesn't have the value for repairs and I can 'trash it'. If you have a car worth 500 dollars and it takes 1000 dollars to repair you will trash the car too right?
Thanks for being sensible. The reason for making this topic in the first place was to find out if the bass was worth to keep and repair or if it doesn't have the value for repairs and I can 'trash it'. If you have a car worth 500 dollars and it takes 1000 dollars to repair you will trash the car too right?
The car? I’d sell it for $500, put the money towards booze and hookers.
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And I've read the topic back a bit and it only confirms that I am not at blame here. In my 3th comment I already had mentioned that the bass is not in playable condition for a school etc, 4 pages of comments I am still getting 'harassed' for even mentioning trashing the bass in the first opening post. Bleh!
Let’s try to understand this from their prospective. First of all, they are envious of your bass.
Secondly, they are disgruntled because every time they ask a ‘what’s it worth’ question, the volunteer TBPD scolds them. Yet, you got away with the privilege and they don’t think that’s fair. People always champion fairness because it gives them a better opportunity to take advantage of others.
Understandably, only people of privilege would have the audacity to parade around the idea of trashing a worthless bass instead of finding a way to use it to solve world hunger. People of privilege believe their time is too valuable to search for people who could benefit from a worthless asset. Their pride is too great to suffer the humiliation of bringing an old, dusty, broken bass to the local school knowing that the school luthier, on behalf of the poor school children, will say “no thanks, donations are cash only.”
Thirdly, your detractors, though they are honorable men, have gas. Envy+disgruntledness+gas=jealousy, which is what we see here. However, they will cure it when they sell off their bass collections and use the money to solve the world’s problems. They’ll feel much better afterward, and then this will all be water under the bridge.
Alternatively, you can change the thread caption to: “My wife wants to throw away my bass. What should I do?” Then everything should be fine.
A guitar player I used to play with had an old Jackson Concert bass that he didn't care for and one day gave it to me. I removed the dead strings, cleaned it up, polished it, lemon oiled the fret board, shielded the cavities, replaced the strings, and asked a tech at GC if he had any old black tuners he would trade for some chrome ones which he did, re soldered the output jack and didn't even spend $30. I did give the tech $10 for trading the tuners though.

I then adjusted the neck and action and ended up with a decent practice bass when it was all said and done which only took less than a week. So it can be done, but if you don't want to then you don't want to. If I lived near you I would take it off your hands.

Edit: oh yeah, I also cleaned the pots.
Are the scratchy pots the only problem with the bass? Maybe you can spray some contact cleaner in there and clean them up a bit. Is the neck straight? Does the truss rod work? Fret wear?
I think the volume pot really needs to be replaced, the other pots can be saved perhaps with some oil. Though the tone filter also hardly responded anymore, that was also mostly all or nothing when I twisted it. One of the tuners also needs to be replaced. The bass itself is still alright besides from a bit worn frets. Because of this heated topic I have put the bass back into the corner of the room for now. I might get a repair estimate from a local music store and see if it's worth the fix. If I donate it to a school then it at least should be playable.
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I think the volume pot really needs to be replaced, the other pots can be saved perhaps with some oil. Though the tone filter also hardly responded anymore, that was also mostly all or nothing when I twisted it. One of the tuners also needs to be replaced. The bass itself is still alright besides from a bit worn frets. Because of this heated topic I have put the bass back into the corner of the room for now. I might get a repair estimate from a local music store and see if it's worth the fix. If I donate it to a school then it at least should be playable.
You might want to send an email to Dean with a picture of the bass. Maybe they can tell you more about what it is.
What I find interesting about that bass is the cutout on the front of the body, which I assume is for placement of the player’s forearm. It seems like it would give the player firmer control over the position of the bass while playing. I’ve never seen that before. Dean has some pretty quirky designs, so it’s hard to say whether it was truly intended to improve functionality. It’s interesting though.
Btw, I would discourage you from putting any money into that bass. Your job was to wear down those frets. Your work is done now, so it’s time for someone else to take over. If you just want it gone, put it out in front of your residence with a sign that says: “Free Rare Vintage Bass. If you don’t like it, donate it to the school. You can have my tax deduction.” Then you’re done with it.
It is worth exactly what someone will pay you for it and nothing more.

What that is depends on the person.
1) Find the right person that had this back in the day, sold it to pay bills, regretted it and makes mad bank now.
2) ?
With all due respect, spare us the sanctimony.
Tell you what.......
Why don't you call up the "carpenter" who made your low end piece of wood. See if he can cut it up and make a ladder out of it so you can climb down off your cross.

Yeah, it's just a piece of wood...required no effort or craftsmanship to transform it from a tree into a bass, whatsoever. I bet the people who "did nothing" to facilitate that transformation are glad they get paid to do nothing, so they can feed their families.
You don't respect the product, so you're incapable of appreciating the industriousness involved.
You came here with the attitude that if this bass wasn't worth an acceptable amount to you, then it was just plain worthless. When members, who appreciate the talent they have been loaned by their creator and hope to cultivate it in others, urged you to find a more noble end to your relationship with this bass you recoiled at the idea.
We could almost hear you whining "but, what's in it for me? If i can't make money on it, it's junk." It took quite a few suggestions before you seemed less than appalled by the notion of donating it.

Dramatic moralistic speech?! Hardly, sir.
I'm sorry that effective use of the English language offends you.
You must have recognized yourself in what I was saying.
You brought your morals into question through your reticence towards helping someone else out if it required any effort on your part.
You call me a "SJW"?! Me? I'm sure my NRA buddies down at the gunshop will get a kick out of that. Might make me surrender my CCW license and pocket copy of the Constitution! (that's a book, by the way.) Something someone like you would probably want to burn, because you can't appreciate the effort that went into it, even if you don't agree with its contents.
Have you ever built anything with your own hands?
Doubt it.
You're probably half my age, but manage to be twice as obnoxious.

I merely explained the sentiments of this community to you, and you chose to be offended. Can't help you with that.
But remember, you came here.
Sought out this community's advice and opinions.
Don't like what you heard? Get bent.

I’m from Uruguay here this bass it’s a really good option for somebody who wants to get the first step in musical adventure and I think it’s good enough for you in USA
Please !!found the way to put this instrument in the right hands you can do it
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I have this old Dean bass sitting in a corner for ages all covered in dust and was wondering if it is actually worth something now as a 'vintage' bass. It is a 'Dean Edge DS Tropical' and I originally bought it in 1991, so it has probably been made in 1989/1990. I have never seen this model being used by anyone else and I have no idea how long they made this model. I tried to play on it yesterday and noticed that he pots are not reponding well anymore (crackling sound) so those might have to be replaced.

Is this bass good for the fireplace or does it has it some decent value (as early vintage)?

P.S, Not sure what that 'attached pic' is, must have upload that too accidentally.
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Stop on in to Dean Club!!!
In the UK we have websites like Trash Nothing and Freecycle. There must be something similar over there. Say it needs work, someone will probably be happy to take it on. obtained a Squier Strat this way which I did some work on for my own interest then gave away and a PB copy which I'm going to refinish for the experience and will then ( probably) give away.
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