"J" pickups discussion and comparisons - PART II

I have the PV74's in my '66 J - they do sound perfect for my ear and can still be found. I also have a set of the rare PV64's which will be installed in an upcoming custom bass. The '64's are highly sought after but '74's are a bit hotter which works for my needs. I noticed an earlier post about the Fender PV66 J pu's. I looked up the resistance/inductance of the PV66 & PV64 and they are the same. Just that.

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That 66 is gorgeous!!! I have the PV64s in my Flea bass and love them.
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I saw that picture, and thought "That looks nice."

"Wait a minute, what forum is this?" (Look up, see "j-pickups-discussion...") "That's not a J pickup."

"Wait a minute, yes it is."

Kinda slow this morning. Haven't finished my first cup yet.
Yah, 'stacked J', 'double J', beefy J, super J...
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I'm looking for a set of hum cancelling J pups that will play nice with the 18v preamp in my Sire. I mostly use passive mode and the stock wind Fralin split Js sound nice but don't necessarily have the output I want. I do use the preamp when I want to shape the tone beyond what the tone knob and pickup balance will allow me to do. I was considering a set of Model Js but wasn't sure how well they pair with a preamp vs passive. I'm not necessarily looking for authentic vintage or super modern, but want something as flexible as possible from a pair of hum cancelling Js. I'd also like to get more of a P bass sound when soloing the neck pickup.