Jason at BSO

Aug 19, 2005
Endorsing Artist: Rick Turner, GK
TB has a lot of plus posts for Jason and his company Bass Strings Online. I am simply adding mine. Over the years, he's always been what I consider a model of what a retail shop should be. And unlike the Korporate Kulture of "you better be nice to the marks, umm customers", it's always genuine.

Yesterday was no exception. I am changing up the sound (and strings) on my Turner Ren 5. It's a 30" scale, with a high C and a mag pu as well as the piezo. After spending what seemed to be 78 hours scouring opinions here, I landed on LaBella tapes, but of course there's 5 different kinds..and of course finding a set with a high c in a medium size, etc. But he did it. He answered my questions in a way I really appreciated..ie NO BS, and put together the right set.... without me having to walk to NY to get them.

I can't shill this guy enough..he knows what he sells, and does it with a sense of humor as well. Along with few other people I have encountered in my 50 years in the Wunnerful Whirl of Shew Biddness, he's got my full support.
I'm still disappointed that he's a young normal looking guy with a staff and a business rather than an old Gandalf/Lee Sklar kind of hermit with a musty old house filled floor to ceiling with bass strings. But I guess it's okay.

I am actually shocked...SHOCKED! by the fact he actually knows what he's selling, and asks you questions that you forgot to ask before he sells you the strings.
He's a good guy for sure. Congrats to him on his success. He really is a joy to work with.

For anyone interested, my experience with Marko at Hammersmith has been similar. I have yet to receive the bass (not that it's late....I just placed the order) so quality is yet to be determined. Based on reviews I am confident about that as well. But dealing with the man himself has been pretty much fun so far. When is the last time you had FUN spending money?

So, when it's all said and done I will be rocking a bass from a good guy with strings from a good guy through amps I bought from good guys here at TB and running my signal through an isolation transformer I just got from out own @agedhorse .....also a good guy.

Yay for good guys and bass gear! :hyper: