Something I do that is both functional and looks cool is I solder the bridge ground wire to the corner of the control cavity, and then I cover it up with copper tape so it's invisible. Nobody is ever going to see it except me, but I still like doing it.~ Later that morning...~
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Technically necessary? Nah. Looks cool? You betcha.
I bought tape that's supposed to have conductive adhesive, and have been wondering how well it would do. After tearing apart my shop for a couple of hours looking for my tester (that's what I get for "tidying up!"), I checked things over, and got consistent results from one end to the other. One piece of tape read the same as those several steps away, or in separate cavities.
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Seems pretty solid and ready to go!
One of the things I do when I'm putting everything back together is check the continuity between the output jack and the pickup cavities & the tuners. If it all reads zero, I'm golden.