Joe Walsh changed rock history

Jimmy Page on how Joe Walsh influenced him to go with the Les Paul... fascinating.

Note, Walsh was also the one who gave Pete Townshend his Gretsch and Fender Bandmaster, a big key to The Who's sound back then.

Cool post. I was at the show at Gulfstream that Page is talking about. Went to see Joe Walsh and I'm standing next to the sound booth and security walks Jimmy Page in. He wasn't 15 feet away from me for the entire show. Towards the end of the show Jimmy made his way toward the stage (as people were bowing and going "we're not worthy" not kidding a la Wayne's World). I was hoping along with everyone else that Page would join Walsh on stage, didn't happen. But I got to see Joe Walsh kill it with Jimmy Page watching the show a few feet away.
I don't think it's a secret any longer that Jimmy continued to use his Telecaster (including the instrumental on "Stairway" in the studio).

I was also a little confused as the O.P.'s screen grab seems to have Jimmy telling Joe Walsh: "I have a Les Paul Custom". If he already had a Les Paul, what did Joe change?
Interesting. I always wondered why he switched from Telecaster after the first Led Zeppelin album.

Keith Richards did the opposite after finding a beautiful Fender specimen in a guitar shop in San Antonio in the 1970s.

Bruce Springsteen also made a similar switch early in his career if I'm not mistaken.
There’s nothing there as a link or quote, just a blank box.
I just re-checked it on my computer, using both Google Chrome and Apple Safari -- the post pulled up fine for me.

I also checked it on my Android phone -- pulled up fine for me there as well.

If you don't have an Instagram account, maybe that has something to do with it? Or if you do, perhaps your Internet connection is slow. If that's the case, you might need to give it a few more seconds to allow it to load.

I can't see it either. There is nothing wrong with my computers (I also tried on multiple computers).

It is because I have my browsers configured to block tracking elements from Facebook (they're Meta now, but you know what I mean) and other companies. Because I would rather not allow Facebook (and other companies) to record my activity on any site other than when I am on Facebook (etc). I would rather Facebook not track me at all ever but I'm willing to accept the devil's bargain at least while I am intentionally using their own product.

This in turn means that Facebook (etc) will not embed *any* content at all on other sites.

I'm OK with this result, even if it means I occasionally see "[\Img]" because people here copied image URLs from other sites rather than post the images here, or see placeholders instead of Facebook or Instagram posts.

So sometimes it's kinder for others to provide the link to a third party site instead of drafting a couple paragraphs to prove that somebody must be wrong because the post worked for you.