I remember when Kiss first came out, it was CRAZY (in a GREAT way) just how overwhelmingly awesome they were. The entire country and various parts of the world were so SO
into Kiss-Mania!!!! There were parades, entire towns, schools, districts, etc. dressing up like Kiss, the band getting the keys to various cities, it was incredible, INCREDIBLE to be a part of and to live it. You wanted desperately to be a part of the Kiss Army! The only thing I can compare it to is Beatle-mania.
Marvel comics came out with a special Kiss vs. Doctor Doom issue, where vials of their blood was mixed in with the ink of the comic (I still have mine somewhere). Don't confuse this with the crappy "Kiss and The Phantom of The Park" junk that came out later in their career.
ALmost EVERYONE wanted to be part of Kiss!
Then, the tide turned, and it became very UN-cool to like Kiss. If you liked Kiss, you were a dork, a loser. It became "silly" to like Kiss.
That's when they changed. Changed their sound, their music, toyed for a long time about removing the make-up, finally DID remove the make-up.
It was definitely a low-point for Kiss. But, they hung on, kept doing their thing, whatever that meant, including line-up changes.
And here we are, so many years later, where Kiss because cool again, and a band people really want to see and experience first hand.
I'm not saying EVERYONE loved them. But, there were DEFINITELY a force to be reckoned with and a game changer in regards to the music industry.
If you didn't live through that time, it would be hard to really get just how big they were as they sped to the top, and also just as big it was for them
to slowly go down to the bottom, to then rise again.
I'm not at all sure how many of their current fans are simply old fans, like me, and how many new fans they have.