Lee Sklar sets the record clear: 4 string? 5 string? pick? fingers? fretless?

I couldn’t agree more. He should keep his politics to himself. I find his playing very vanilla. Perhaps, it’s his ability to nail things on the first take or something, that makes him a first caller.
You guys crack me up. If that’s “Vanilla” bass playing to you then serve me up a big ol’ spoon full. His playing has made him and the artists he has played for very rich and done with some of the best musicians of all time.
I couldn’t agree more. He should keep his politics to himself. I find his playing very vanilla. Perhaps, it’s his ability to nail things on the first take or something, that makes him a first caller.
So much here. As the good Dr. Cheese said, it’s his channel and he’s free to say what he wants and you’re free not to watch.
Why he’s a first caller is no big mystery. Writer (books, comic books, movies, TV) Neil Gaiman gave a commencement address where he said that the secret to success as a freelancer was to be good at your job, be dependable, and be easy to work with. He went on to say that if you were 2 of those, people would forgive the lack of the third. Obviously, these are subjective to a degree, but Sklar has all 3 in the minds of the people who hire him. He shows up on or well ahead of time sober and without a hangover, he’s happy to take suggestions on what the artist or producer want to the point of bowing out if they want a style, like slapping or upright bass, that he doesn’t feel comfortable with, and from their perspective he gives them the bass playing that they want in the time available.
In the documentary "Hired Gun" I think it's Alice Cooper who says that the ability to get along (which includes all of those above) is the most important thing. Talent is obviously important, but lots of people have that. It's being easy to get along with that people look for because you will be spending so much time together.