It's not that the software is mean. It's software. It's dumb. It just does what it's told by humans who are overloaded with more applications than they could ever possibly sort through.
Obviously if you're working in the field you know way more about it than i do. But i can't discount what the other people i know in the industry have told me, and the absolute futility of searching for jobs that i've experienced in the past 15 years. It's really one of the most infuriating things. Recently had surgery on my sinuses. Recovering from that surgery was more enjoyable than job hunting. There's a long list of miserable things that, given the option, would choose over applying to jobs if they meant i could skip that part of the process.
Clearly i have a chip on my shoulder about this, and i'll shut up now because i genuinely don't want to sit here complaining about job hunting, especially since i have a job i really like, in music technology, that i got through a slightly arcane string of people in my personal network. Complaining online any more than i have isn't a good look and i'm in too good a mood for it.