Looking for advice

If you’re gonna smoke onstage, you cup the microphone in the mic stand with both hands, allowing a long ash to smolder like an old lady sitting at a slot machine with the cigarette dangling from her lips. That type of deep breath nonstop smoking like #2 is doing isn’t cool looking and is more suggestive of a drunk trying to get a second wind and stay conscious until the waitress brings another round.
@LBS-bass is exactly right; as the singer you are supposed to express/exude personality and have ample room to interpret the song. The way this could work is a Fleetwood Mac kind of thing (different singers sing lead in different songs, occasionally supported by harmony vocals by the other singers), but not with these 2 guys. Frankly, singer 1, apart from the teenage-level behavior as described, is fundamentally correct. If I'd be a lead singer and told to sing unisono with some other dude/lady just like that, I'd have left on the spot.
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I'm going to chill for a few days, and then call singer 1. Let him know I'm no longer in the band, and apologize for my part in the fiasco.

Also, after I got home and talked to my wife about how the meeting went, she said a lot of what you did. The drummer made a bro decision, the guitarist made a convenience decision, and both would rather continue with singer 2 (who is 'good enough' and 'can get better') than stay with me (the third part of the super solid core). After hearing that, it made the decision to leave less upsetting.
apologizing is lame and a sign of weakness..stick to your feelings and convictions..if you have to say something...say it with strength and determination.not as a wimpy apologizer...the goody two shows approach is for losers..
apologizing is lame and a sign of weakness..stick to your feelings and convictions..if you have to say something...say it with strength and determination.not as a wimpy apologizer...the goody two shows approach is for losers..

Noted. I'll invite him to dinner, piss on his shoes while looking him in the eye, leave with his girlfriend, and stick him with the bill.
How come everyone is saying singer 2 has a drinking problem?
I didnt see a mention of who was # 1 or 2..I couldnt make it through the entire read..but I did see the posters mention early on that none had gigging experience..which did show in the video..everyone wants to be a star..but no star material here..maybe everyone wants to be on a stage in the spotlight..always ready to be seen..but no real talent for presentation..learn how to dress for success..the smoking guy needs to put that "cig" away..and the way he holds that mic.............its almost too much to bear.........guess everybody has to do what they do...and long hair may need a makeover..it really looked and sounded like the typical garage band wanna be's..I wouldnt walk across the street to see the band if it was free and packed with women..not trying to be critical here..just calling it like I see it..
Hang on to the drummer. He's good.
I'd can both the singers and start over with someone else. That's not a comment on their singing ability, which, uhm, speaks for itself. But it's clear they can't be in the same room together and get along. No amount of "managing" things on your part is going to change that.
sounds like you are marching forward with a good outlook. Bands always need bassists. Any chance you can get that drummer?!
Hopefully you can find a good one. Of course here on the TB it is easy for peeps to type out advice to the internet. Having perfection in bands with all the functioning parts is another thing altogether. ;)
I am putting my next band together far in the future with Cyborgs (hopefully not the killing kind).
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Wow.... you created a mess by putting 2 chefs in the kitchen....
The guy with the long hair is pitch deaf and was rarely in key and is weak singer...
The two singers together sound like a train wreck....
If you want the voice doubling sound, then get an Eventide on the board and have it on the singers channel...
Pick the better singer and be done with it soon...else this whole thing will blow up soon..
The band is actually pretty good...so you guys need the balls to make the decision and move on...
It's that simple...
apologizing is lame and a sign of weakness..stick to your feelings and convictions..if you have to say something...say it with strength and determination.not as a wimpy apologizer...the goody two shows approach is for losers..
I think you have this very wrong. Apologizing is a sign of strength. Obstinance is weak.
Wow.... you created a mess by putting 2 chefs in the kitchen....
The guy with the long hair is pitch deaf and was rarely in key and is weak singer...
The two singers together sound like a train wreck....
If you want the voice doubling sound, then get an Eventide on the board and have it on the singers channel...
Pick the better singer and be done with it soon...else this whole thing will blow up soon..
The band is actually pretty good...so you guys need the balls to make the decision and move on...
It's that simple...

You may have missed the update. The drummer and guitarist chose singer 2. I left the band.
It seems to me that it makes no sense to have two singers singing in unison.....If they aren't doing harmonies, what is the point? If you are going to have two singers, you need one male and one female, or at least one lead singer/front person, and a background/harmony/ extra instrumentalist. Otherwise, your just wasting a share of any potential pay.