This may be TLDR...hopefully you will find something of value. Feel free to ignore/discard the rest.
The recordings sound very good.
Way better than the vast majority off bands can do IMHO. Even better than many big time band's live performances.
However, to my ears there is something about the execution and mix that seems a bit off. What I hear does not make the performances bad. But it does IMHO prevent them from rising to the level where one might think: WOW! That's freakin' awesome!
It sort of sounds like a collection of very good musicians who are adequately covering the part, but not inspired. Or perhaps very good musicians playing outside of their specialty. Or perhaps a set of musicians who have played the songs in beyond optimum ripeness. The result is good, but not particularly magic.
This is IMHO and YMMV applies. Also I am by no means implying I could do better, or even as well. It's very easy to critique beyond one's own abilities .
What do I think the biggest problem is? Probably your expectations. It's sounds like you have a very good band and get decent gigs, but you simply do not reach the level of success that you expect.
Not every club is going to hire you. Maybe they want a different style of music. Maybe they think the band is too big, too loud, or to expensive. Maybe the club manager simply doesn't like the way you look or talk.
IMHO the feedback that probably matters most is your audience. What are they saying about the band and what do they want. To get different results, you may need to target a difference audience/market where the service you provide is valued more. Seems you want an audience that is more prone to gathering in large groups and staying up late. If you want to stay in the same market, you may need to change your product to better meet local needs and expectations. The local market may not be sufficiently large or diverse to meet your definition of success.
Part of your outreach could involve using surveys to gather feedback. AFAIK you can do this for free with websites like SurveyMonkey. It would probably be useful to do a bit of research to learn how to write a good survey. Off the top of my head, related areas of study include psychology, marketing, and statistics. Writing good surveys is not easy.
Effective marketing is probably far more of a factor than the quality of your performances. It's also a fairly wide and deep subject, and there are only so many hours in a day. Probably the first step is to understand what marketing means. Here is a textbook definition:
Marketing is the performance of activities that seek to accomplish an organization's objectives by anticipating customer or client needs and directing a flow of need-satisfying goods and services from producer to customer or client.
Ref: Basic Marketing,
A Marketing Strategy Planning Approach, 19th Ed.
I think an important idea is there should be a feedback loop between the band and its audience. This feedback loop tells you how the band must change to better meet audience needs. The resulting evolution could potentially morph the band into something that is quite different. At that point the band may no longer fit in with your personal artistic vision. You may perceive this as more successful from a marketing standpoint but completely inconsistent with your artistic goals. Basically greater success in one respect often requires compromise in other areas. So achieving your perfect vision of success is not necessarily possible.