This isn't quite accurate according to my understanding of the manual and a conversation I had with the guys over at OE. The sidechain in this only works on keeping frequencies below the HPF out of the input to the threshold, not the actual compression circuit. In essence it keeps the compressor from overworking as a result of too much low end getting into the circuit, but the actual compression being applied, regardless of HPF setting, is operating in a single band capacity across the entire spectrum. Compression from the lowest lows to the highest highs, but without the stuff below the HPF forcing it to be triggered too much, and by things that are largely inaudible or at least more difficult to reproduce.For example, the same way the Cali76-CB compressor works... You can adjust that HPF to only have the pedal compress the signal above wherever the HPF is set.
I had the same experience with the Divaricator. I sold mine shortly after acquiring it when the very first run of them became available. I just KNEW I would like running my board this way, and I was flat out wrong. I much prefer full range. Not that this will be the case with the OP, and it's definitely something worth experimenting with.When I tried a Divaricator, I realized that the crossover effect wasn't what I had expected, with distortion. Crossing over the signal changes the amount of gain hitting the drive portion of the circuitry, and the dirt ends up sounding different.
I have the dUg amp and had great success using it for subtle overdrive on the high end....
Closest I can think isn't out yet but the tech 21 dUg pedal will have a crossover and above that is what gets overdriven and then you blend with a clean signal kinda like the tech 21 dUg amp but that does way more distortion than what you're suggesting