One note about buying cases: The cost of shipping an empty case is quite high, as compared to the cost of the case itself. For example, when I was buying Reunion Blues cases directly from Ace, they were giving me a decent discount for being an OEM Luthier. But the cost to ship the case was about double their discount. It would cost me less to walk into a Guitar Center and buy one at retail price.
I talked to Ace about this, and they said there's nothing they could do about that; that's what it cost them to ship a single case. Shipping rates are based on the size of the box, not the value of the contents. It becomes more reasonable when you buy a pallet of cases, like 10 or 20. Then the pallet is shipped by Freight, and the shipping charge per case is much lower. Then, the OEM discount is actually a discount. But, like most of us small Luthiers, I don't need 10 cases at time, and I don't have the cash lying around to go for the quantity discount.
These days, I buy the Reunion Blues cases one at a time on Amazon. They come from small music stores around the US, who are selling off excess inventory online. They buy them by the pallet from Ace, and under their deal with Ace, they have to sell them online at the standard retail price. Basically the same price that I would pay in person at Guitar Center. Because I have Amazon Prime, the shipping is Free!! (yeah, right...). But that's the best deal for me. Order them one at a time on Amazon, and they are at my door a few days later. Less time and trouble than driving to Guitar Center.
I told this to the sales rep at Ace, and he said that's fine with them. They're still selling them to me indirectly, and it's more efficient for them to send a pallet load to a music store. I'm also helping out a small music store.
The overall point is that it's a good idea to choose a case brand/model that's commonly available in the big stores like Guitar Center, and on Amazon. That's the cheapest way to get them one at a time. If you want to buy a pallet of them, go to the distributor like Ace and flash your Luthier card.