Agree with all of this. I got the D800 before the 800+ came out, and think I might have liked the addition of the HPF.
I had played quite a few Class D heads, but never found one I loved. I think when the TH500 came out, it was top of the line, and it served me well for a long time, but my amp needs changed, and the TH didn't fit the bill any more.
If you are after a Thunderfunk Tone in a small package, check out the Quilter BB800. It is so simple, and just sounds good. The feel of the amp reminds me of the TFB in terms of power and the way it plays. Complete opposite ends of the spectrum as far as features, but part of the appeal of the TFB is that even though it had all those knobs, you never had to move but one or two of them a couple clicks. The Quilter is like that... one or two clicks on one or two knobs will do it.