Mike Pope MPP-1 rack preamp

Awesome Freakin' Playing!!!

What is everything in the sound-chain?

Of course the MPP-1, Crown XTi2000, LoPHAT 2x8/5 over a LoPHAT 1x18
Three basses, first one was a Lakland 55-02; Skjold CS5 Lions Pride, and a Nordy VJ5 Classic.

I recently shot off an e-mail inquiring about the Mitre box through Mike Pope's website. It's been several days, but I haven't heard a response. :( Hopefully these are still being made.

Hey man, sorry but I'm on vacation now. The mitre box is not being made, unfortunately. It just never caught on.
Is the signal crossed over between the two cabs? Sounds great, btw.

No, just used both channels from the crown. Both cabs are 4 ohm the 208/5 is 600 watts with a 5" full range drive crossed at 800Hz goes up to 18kHz; the 1x18 is sub only 20Hz-200Hz 4 ohms 800 watts. Then just recorded with the Zoom H4n I think the record levels were a bit to high in the beginning, nevertheless the Pope brought out the best in both cabinets.
Do any of you MPP-1 owners want to chime in on how the MPP-1 effects the tone of your bass when it's flat? I own a REDDI and I LOVE what it does to my tone before hitting my IP310, but I really want the MPP-1 to take its place as the pre-amp and leave the REDDI with DI duty. I would say the REDDI is transparent in the sense that it does not change the character of the sound going in, but it definitely fattens up the signal and makes it almost three dimensional...if you catch ma drift. I'd love to get a comparison, but I that is a LONG shot lol.

That clip was awesome btw ptidwell. That rig sounds crazy punchy and deep.
Another question ...
What is the input impedance on this pre amp.
And a general question regarding impedances...would there be a down side to 10megOhm as opposed to 1meg Ohm?

1 Megohm is the input impedance. 10Meg is certianly possible, although I've not tried it. I would guess it would be fine given the circuit design, and since it is just a matter of changing on resistor and one capacitor, it wouldn't be a problem to try. I assume you're thing about it for acoustic bass or some other piezo type thing?
Has anyone had the chance to check one of these out? They are rather pricey and I was curious if someone had one and could post a review. Thanks

Hi all-

I recently purchased an MPP-2 from Mike through Glenn at Austin Bass Traders. This is a sublime unit! The tone controls provide a wide range of tones for my electric basses and upright, on which I often double during gigs. Tone shaping is focused and, to my taste, best applied using a subtle approach. Small adjustments make sweet differences to tone while fully maintaining the fundamentals of my basses, amplifier, and speakers. I'm running the MPP-2 as a front end pre-amp to a TecAmp Puma 1000 (maintaining the Puma pre-amp as well) through a Bergantino AE410 or two AE210s. The sound is huge and the flexibility provided by the MPP-2 are a dream.

I also want to highlight the outstanding customer service provided by Mike and Glenn-these guys are masters of service! The unit had a small issue with one of the FX sends. They helped me to resolve the issue, staying in close contact with me even as they participated in the Winter NAMM show. When I sent the unit back to Mike, all shipping costs were covered without question. Mike even offered to build me a new unit while letting me use the first during the repair. Ironically, no repair was needed as the issue never returned-making me suspect the problem was on my end with the FX unit. All in all, this level of service is hard to believe! I would like to applaud both for their level of professionalism and look forward to working with Mike and Glenn in the future.